

  • July 28 was World Nature Conservation Day. This day serves to remind us of the ongoing destruction of the Earth's ecosystem and encourages us to do more for nature conservation. Besides the fight against climate change, the preservation and strengthening of biological diversity is one of ...

  • World Humanist Day

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    June 21 is World Humanist Day. A day dedicated to raising awareness of humanism as a way of life as well as an opportunity to draw attention to current issues in the world.From explaining freedom of religion or belief to opposing religious extremism or securing sexual and reproductive health: the...

  • As part of the transition of EHF activities to Humanists International, the organisations have started The Humanist Capacity Building and Networking Project. This project will aim to build a strong network amongst the humanist organisations in Europe that are willing to work together in partnership...

  • The Antithesis of Secularism

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    Keith Porteous Wood of our member organisation The National Secular Society dedicated his recent research on the topic of Catholic Church treason in 1942: "It is the eightieth anniversary of the promulgation of a leaflet by the French Church circulated to the French in 1942 at the lowest point...

  • Living Together in Peace

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    May 16 is International Day of Living Together in Peace. This day serves to spread awareness for international reconciliation, peace and sustainable development. Another focus on this International Day is on the encouragement for forgiveness and compassion between individuals and communities. The UN...

  • April 24 is International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace. The UN marks international days because they are a "powerful advocacy tool" and important occasions to educate the public, to address global issues of concern. First established in 2018, The International Day of Multilateralism...

  • Member organization Humanistische Vereinigung, which has its headquarters in Nürnberg Germany, has put in place all the necessary actions to prepare for the refugees which will soon arrive at their doorsteps.  Based in the federal state of Bavaria, in the South of Germany, Humanistische Vereinigung...

  • "Anyone who does not want to take part in a war of aggression that violates international law should enjoy our full solidarity, ” said  EHF president Michael Bauer on Tuesday in Berlin.Many young men are conscripted into the Russian army without wanting to share or support the goals of Putin's ...

  • The board of the BFGD is appalled by the criminal war, contrary to international law, of Russia in the Ukraine. We empathise with the people who are threatened in their own country with death and persecution. For the BFGD, the association of freereligious communities of Germany, human dignity, humaneness...

  • In the name of humanity

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    Commenting on today's outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine, the President of the European Humanist Federation, Michael Bauer, declares: "We look at the war in Ukraine with horror and bewilderment. Our concern, our sympathy and our solidarity are directed at the people in Ukraine these days. This...

  • Humanism and Social Justice

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    “Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance that affirms thathuman beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shapeto their own lives. Humanism stands for the building of a more humanesociety through an ethics based on human and other natural values in thespirit of reason ...

  • February 6 was the United Nations' International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation. Although these practices are mostly happening in other parts of the world, the mission to eliminate female genital mutilation is also relevant for Europe, as the United Nations' statement explains: "...

  • Our president Michael Bauer recently participated in the Conference on the Future of Europe. The conference is collaboration between the European Parliament, Council, and Commission, and created to foster the input of EU citizens in the creation of a common European future. This was done through the...

  • International Day of Education

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    January 24 is International Day of Education. The right to education is a human right. A human right manifested within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948. It is also one of the main goals of their 2030 Agenda. The connection of education and human rights is essential...

  • The European Humanist Federation wishes everyone a Happy New Year! In 2022, we will continue to work on making the violation of human rights visible. Sometimes it can seem as if human rights violations are mainly happening in far away places. Last year showed clearly though that also within Europe, ...

  • World Children’s Day

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    The theme of this year's World Children's Day on November 20 is called "A Better Future for Every Child". First established in 1954 as Universal Children's Day it is a day that focuses on promote international awareness for children's rights and improving children's welfare. Today, UNICEF is inviting...

  • Human rights are not optional. Or at least should not be. But if they depend on a European solution, human rights seem to be put on pause, negotiable, as Europe is watching how thousands of migrants are out in the cold, with hardly any supplies, in Belarus on the polish EU border. After trying to get...

  • International days did exist prior to the establishment of the United Nations, but the United Nations is using and promoting them for impact and as an advocacy tool. What is the purpose behind international days? The UN defines them as a chance and occasion to educate the public on specific issues ...

  • October 10 is World Mental Health Day. It provides a platform to raise awareness and discuss mental health issues around the world with the aim of mobilizing support of mental health. It is no surprise that humanist organisations dedicate their social services also to the support and improvement of...

  • Poland's constitutional court has ruled that in some cases, Polish law is above European law. The judgment came after the court was asked to look at the case by the Polish government, who did so after the Court of Justice of the European Union gave a strong verdict against the country's process of...

  • In July 2020, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen emphasised strongly the equality of sexual minorities and explained why several financial support requests from Polish municipalities were rejected due to LGBT ideology-free zones on the part of the EU in the preceding months. The Swietokrzyskie...

  • Global climate strike

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    Another world is possible – a better world is possible! The largest youth movement in Germany, Fridays for Future, which is supported by many alliances, feels certain about the option of a better future.  On September 24, they are asking people all over the world to join them on the streets and ...

  • International Day of Peace

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    This summer the world became witness to the escalating situation at the Kabul Airport, a tragic scenery dictating the global news reporting for several weeks. It gave an idea about the many layers and perspectives of war and peace – historically, socially, culturally – and showcased the heavily...

  • EHF member organisation, DeMens.Nu, is co-organising this year's European Humanist Youth Days.  Europeans between 18 and 30 years can join during the month of October for online workshops and virtual ateliers.   In the virtual ateliers people gather every Monday night of October in small...

  • World Suicide Prevention Day

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    World Suicide Prevention Day takes place each year on September 10 – a day on which the European Humanist Federation wants to emphasise the importance of humanity and community. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) first proclaimed September...

  • The First International Symposium Ferrer i Guàrdia is organized by the Ferrer i Guardia Foundation and the History of Education Society of the Countries of Catalan Language in collaboration with the City Council of Barcelona and other educational entities. It will be an event of reviewing and debating...

  • World Humanitarian Day

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    August 19 is World Humanitarian Day. This day remembers the bomb attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, killing 22 people, on 19 August 2003. Among the victims was the chief humanitarian in Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello. Since 2009 and through the United Nations General Assembly the day is officially...

  • Many Humanist organisations are dedicated to the advocating for the recognition of all relationships in society, but few have a history of this subject as extensive as the Dutch Humanist Association, or Humanistisch Verbond. As a tradition that goes back over 50 years, with gay and lesbian working...

  • International Youth Day is a day dedicated to the power of the youth, and the creation of a brighter future. First started in 1999, International Youth Day has a different theme every year, which is created by the input from youth leaders around the world. This year’s theme is Transforming Food ...

  • Census in Slovakia

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    Our member organization Prometheus Society shared their stance on the difficulty of classification of non-religious people in Slovakia:   In 1991, 2001 and 2011, non-religious citizens were classified as a sub-item in the category of religious beliefs when determining the population's religion. In...

  • Last week the European Parliament published a working document on the fact-finding investigation on Frontex, specifically dealing with alleged fundamental rights violations. Its author, Tineke Strik, EU Parliament member for the Greens/EFA, suggests that Frontex agency’s director Fabrice Leggeri...

  • The deep division among Spanish national politics caused by the extreme, far-right party Vox was visible again this week, as reported by The Guardian, when a court decided on the lawfulness of a political campaign poster that occurred back in May. Spanish human rights groups have been watching the ...

  • Hungary’s Anti-LGBTI-Law

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    After four weeks of raising awareness and an unusual amount of media coverage of LGBTI issues, Pride month 2021 is over. But all the declarations of support cannot annihilate the discrimination that the LGBTI community is facing daily – also in Europe. Once again, Hungary's government made homophobic...


    Posted on the 29/07/22

    Humanism is democratic, rational, international, solidary. With its universal claim, it is directed at all people. We should remember this more strongly considering the crisis caused by the coronavirus, said Michael Bauer, president of the European Humanist Federation, in reference to today’s World...

  • The HVD Berlin Brandenburg is commited to refugee work in different projects. On the one hand we carry out practical work, for example in partnership with public housing companies, to support people with a history of migration and refugees to easily start a life in a new environment. On the other ...

  • World Day Against Child Labour

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    Child labour violates children's rights. And children's rights are human rights.  2021 is the International Yeah for the Elimination of Child Labour. Although numbers have been decreasing, 152 million children are currently still in child labour. Since the beginning of the pandemic...

  • June is Pride Month

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    Unfortunately, in 2021 the world still needs pride month to raise awareness for the tremendous struggles and inequalities of the LGBTI community. But on a bright note: Pride month educates about ongoing social issues we must not stop talking about until we see global changes as LGBTI rights are human...

  • During the month of May private sea rescue organizations rescued more than 600 people in the Mediterranean, all risking their lives in hope for a better one. The organization Sea-Watch rescued more than 450 people, SOS Méditerranée’s ship Ocean Viking another 236, who were brought ashore in the...

  • Clerical Abuse in France

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    It is hard to believe but France’s highest court ruled that the legal obligation to report sexual crimes against a minor ceases as soon as the victim becomes a capable adult. The case of Cardinal Philippe Barbarin unfolded in a shocking way: as the former most senior Catholic in France he failed ...

  • May 17 was International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. The European Humanist Federation stands in solidarity with every person experiencing and suffering from the effects of homophobic, transphobic and biphobic behaviours. Human dignity begins with accepting everyone’...

  • The European Commission has decided to appoint Christos Stylianides, a Cypriot national, as Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU.  Mr. Stylianides is a former member of the EU parliament, as well as the former EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis...

  • General Assembly 2021

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    The EHF General Assembly took place this year on 29 May. Because of Covid restrictions, this year's GA took place over Zoom, similar to last year's GA. The EHF is happy with the results of the GA, and thankful to all who participated. You can find all documents from the GA, including the agenda and...

  • A recent report by the United Nations Population Fund, or UNFPA finds that around 45% of women in this world do not have the right to bodily autonomy. The UN report defined bodily autonomy as having three elements; Can a woman say no to sex? Can a woman decide over her own birth control? Can a woman...

  • The EHF strongly condemns the Polish nomination of Aleksander Stępkowski as a preferred candidate for the European Court of Human Rights.  Stępkowski is a lawyer and the founder of Ordo Iuris, an extremist Catholic organisation, which has worked on fighting against the rights of women and the LGBTQ...

  • International Women’s Day 2021

    Posted on the 29/07/22

        The fight for women’s rights is of course every day, but today especially let us celebrate the accomplishments of women, while also discussing the many things still left to be accomplished. From the right to education to the right bodily autonomy, the human rights of women are especially under...

  • The EHF is happy to see the proposal from Renew Europe regarding the declaring of Europe as an LGBTI Freedom Zone, and fully supports this proposal.  Renew Europe is a large Centrist party in the European Parliament, consisting of centrist parties from all over the EU. With this proposal, Renew Europe...

  • With strong concern and condemnation the EHF has been made aware of the firing of Budapest Major’s office employee Gáspár Békés. Mister Békés was fired for expressing his believes as a non-believer, a move that has been welcomed by several Christian parties in Hungary.   The right to freedom...

  • On 5 February, EHF President Michael Bauer and Vice-President Lone Ree Milkaer took part in a high-level meeting of the European Union. The meeting was hosted by Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas and Parliament Vice-President Roberta Metsola as part of the regular consultations under Article...

  • Speech given by Lone Ree Milkær, Vice-President of The European Humanist Federation, during the "Migration and Children – The situation of unaccompanied minors" seminar Mr. President, madame Vice-president, mr. Vicepresident, honored colleagues. Thank you for initiating this necessary dialogue on...

  • [caption id="attachment_3880" align="alignnone" width="300"] European Commission Brussels Europe Flag Policy[/caption] The European Humanist Federation is happy to see a first-ever strategy on LGBTIQ equality in the EU. As Humanist the right to exist and express ourselves is a value we hold high. It...

  • Article 23 of the Dutch constitution calls for freedom of education, allowing those of different beliefs and religions to seek out schools that are best for them, as long as the schools follow the Dutch curriculum.  But how far can this freedom be stretched? That was the question this week in Dutch...

  • Vice President Lone Ree Milkær made an intervention on behalf of EHF at the 3rd Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting at OSCE held online on the 9th and 10th of November. The theme of the meeting was Freedom of Religion or Belief: The Role of Digital Technologies and Civil Society Actors in Advancing...

  • New Board of Directors

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    The EHF is pleased to announce their new Board of Directors, who were elected at the last General Assembly, which took place on 7 November 2020.   The Board chose amongst themselves the positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary General, and Deputy Secretary General.   The Board...

  • We Stand With Polish Women

    Posted on the 29/07/22

    The European Humanist Federation and Humanist International stand with the women of Poland in their fight against the repressive laws that restrict their bodily autonomy.  If you wish to show your solidarity with the Polish women as well, please use the hashtag #WeStandWithPolishWomen or share the...

  •   The EHF has already recently called on the EU to take tougher measures than in the past on the discriminatory policy towards LGBTI in Poland. Now, in view of the recent ruling on the permissibility of abortion by the Polish Constitutional Court, which observers consider to be under the strong influence...

  • EHF General Assembly 2020

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the GA, thematics

    After being postponed earlier in the year, and moving fully online, the EHF General Assembly finally took place November 7, 2020.  With the fully going online of the GA, came new challenges. To ensure that the GA would run as smoothly as possible, the event was split up into two parts. The correspondence...

  • [caption id="attachment_4578" align="alignnone" width="1437"] Clockwise: Lone Ree Milkaer, Susanne Baumann, Grit Lahmann (Political of HV), Michael Bauer[/caption] As part of the regular talks under Article 17 of the Treaty on the functioning of the EU, EHF President Michael Bauer and Vice-President...

  • The EHF supports #FreeMubarakBala week of protest

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the FoE, FoRB, thematics

    Mubarak Bala, the President of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, was arrested in his home on April 28, 2020 following allegations that he insulted the Prophet Muhammad on social media. His legal team has been unable to access Mubarak and are asking authorities to clarify where he’s being held. ...

  • Open letter: States must integrate the needs of CSOs into their policies

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the EU Institutions, European Union, thematics

    The following letter, signed by over 50 European networks and national platforms, was sent to president of the European Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen, and Commissioners Věra Jourová and Didier Reynders: CSOs must be able to keep acting in response to social emergencies States must integrate the...

  • Open letter: the EU must not sit idly by while a Member State’s democracy is in jeopardy

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the coronavirus, European Union, Hungary, Rule of Law, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation, along with 80 MEPs and civil society groups, has signed an open letter to the European Commission and the European Council, urging them to condemn the latest developments in Hungary and take decisive action. On 31 March, Hungary adopted a law giving the government...

  • Joint civil society statement – 8 April 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic and public health crisis is presenting grave challenges for health care systems across Europe. As European countries work to address the pandemic, protect their populations, and meet the increased demand on health care workers and...

  • Responses to confinement: Truth to Power Café launches new digital platform

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the coronavirus, thematics

    Across the world, events of all sorts continue to be cancelled and postponed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Organisers are forced to find new dates and figure out alternative platforms to hold their events. This is the case of the Truth to Power Café planned to take place in May 2020, ...

  • EHF 2020 General Assembly postponed

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the GA, thematics

    Over the past weeks, our Board has been assessing the viability of the EHF General Assembly in Rome on 22-23 May, hosted by our Italian member UAAR. Due to the current circumstances, we regret to announce that the event has been officially postponed. We are aware that there may be some costs wasted...

  • “We are missing out the voices of people who have had an abortion” – Interview with Eva De Goeij

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Netherlands, SRHR, thematics

    In these challenging times, access to contraception and abortion are among the most vulnerable rights. Shortage in production of supplies and stock-outs, shipping delays, restriction of abortion services by the government, no access to telemedical services... These issues reveal how sexual and reproductive...

  • Swiss Freethinkers launch “Secular Refugee Aid” programme

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the FoRB, Non-believers, Switzerland, thematics

    In order to better support people who have fled to Switzerland because of their religious distance, the Swiss Freethinkers Association is starting the programme "secular-refugees.ch – A humanistic refugee aid". The programme was meant to be launched at the event on Apostasy Day on 21 March at the...

  • Coronavirus outbreak: emergency measures must not be used to roll back fundamental rights

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the coronavirus, Human Rights, thematics

    The dramatic situation Europe is now facing calls for exceptional measures to protect public health. However, governments must not use this situation to roll back on fundamental rights, including economic and social rights. While emergency measures may contain limitations to some basic rights (freedom...

  • Coronavirus emergency: UAAR launches a fundraising campaign

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the coronavirus, Italy, Secularism, thematics

    Read original post (in Italian) « We are probably experiencing the greatest disaster the country has faced since the war. Public health and the national health system itself are at stake. For this reason, our association has decided to promote a fundraising campaign for healthcare, in particular...

  • EHF and Humanists Sweden welcome European Court of Human Rights decision on case of Swedish midwives

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, FoRB, SRHR, Women, thematics

    On 11 March, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) declined to take up the case of two Swedish midwives who argued that being denied midwife jobs for refusing to perform abortions was a violation of their right to freedom of religion and conscience. The European Humanist Federation (EHF) and Humanists...

  • The EHF welcomes latest Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of religion or belief

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Equality, FoRB, LGBT, Women, thematics

    On the occasion of the 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of religion or belief Ahmed Shaheed presented his latest report, which addresses the urgent and serious issue of the use of religion to justify discrimination and violence against women and LGBT+ persons...

  • Germany: EHF and German Humanists welcome Constitutional Court ruling in favour of assisted suicide

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the euth, germa, Right2Die, thematics

    On 26 February, Germany’s Constitutional Court ruled that German law on assisted suicide in effect since 2015 has no legal validity. The European Humanist Federation (EHF) and Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands (HVD) welcome the strengthening of the right of end-of-life self-determination associated...

  • Nada Peratovic: “Don’t be discouraged by the misogyny in the atheist and humanist community ”

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Humanism, SRHR, Women, thematics

    Ahead of 8 March, women from across the world are gathering, reflecting together on progress made. They are exchanging on the present challenges and defining the changes needed, calling on strikes and mass demonstrations. They are organising themselves and getting ready, one more year, for International...

  • Recognise the climate crisis as a cause of flight

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the climate change, European Union, thematics

    Have a look at the original press statment here (in German) Fleeing from climatic conditions and changes that are clearly attributable to man-made climate change should be legally recognised. This is what CEO of Humanistische Vereinigung (HV) and Vice President of the EHF Michael Bauer stated, as ...

  • Offences against religious feelings: Willy Toledo prosecuted in Spain

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, FoRB, Spain, thematics

    On 17 February, Spanish actor Willy Toledo will appear in Court for alleged crime against freedom of conscience, offences against religious feelings, and offence of obstruction of justice. The trial comes after ultra-conservative organisation Abogados Cristianos (the Spanish Association of Cristian...

  • EHF and Swiss Freethinkers welcome the extension of anti-discrimination law

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the FoRB, LGBT, thematics

    Read original post. On 9 February, Switzerland held a referendum on a proposed law to make it illegal to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation - an extension of current anti-racism law in the country. 63.1% of voters came out in favour of it. The European Humanist Federation...

  • Civil Society Organisations write to Commissioner Jourová on SLAPP lawsuits

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, thematics

    27 Civil Society Organisations, including the EHF, sent a letter to Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová calling on her to include all those impacted by SLAPP lawsuits in proposed new legislation. Strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs...

  • Freedom on beaten path: the story of Lamine Madani, young Algerian freethinker

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Human Rights, Migration, Non-believers, Religion, thematics

    Far from being fair and transparent, the process of considering asylum applications in Europe fails to take into account the life-stances and situation of non-believers. People holding non-theistic or atheistic beliefs encounter many difficulties when fleeing prosecutions worldwide. These difficulties...

  • “Reasonable accommodation”: the EHF urges the Council of Europe to reject drafts

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the CoE, Equality, Non-believers, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation has urged the Council of Europe not to adopt a resolution that seeks to privilege claims based on religious arguments in the workplace. On 29 January, a draft resolution and recommendation put forward by conservative MPs on “The protection of freedom of religion...

  • European Parliament asserts right not to believe, right to apostasy and not to profess any religion

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the EU Institutions, FoE, FoRB, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation welcomes the principled defence of freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief by the European Parliament. In its “Annual report 2018 on the human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union's policy on the matter”, adopted on 15 January, the...

  • 2020 Science Calendar in Spain: an initiative driven by Europa Laica

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Freedom of Research, Humanism, Members, Science, Secularism, Spain, thematics

    First in Romania, then in Scotland, now in Spain. Across Europe, members of the European Humanist Federation replicate the yearly Science Calendar project originally developed by our member organisation Romanian Secular-Humanist Association (ASUR). The project of a Science Calendar was originated...

  • The EHF welcomes the removal of blasphemy from statute law in Ireland

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, FoE, thematics

    A few days before the start of the year 2020, Ireland suppressed blasphemy and related offenses from its laws. The European Humanist Federation warmly welcomes the adoption of the Blasphemy (Abolition of Offences and Related Matters) Act removing blasphemy from Irish statute books. In the 2018 referendum...

  • The EHF pays tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims and calls for a principled defence of freedom of expression

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the FoE, Religion, Religious Extremism, thematics

    Five years ago today, on 7th January 2015, the team of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical weekly newspaper, was slaughtered by terrorists acting in the name of radical Islamism. The European Humanist Federation pays tribute to the 12 persons who fell on that tragic day: Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Cabu...

  • Human Rights Day: EHF reaffirms its commitment to human rights and warns of attempts to curtail them

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Equality, Humanism, Religious Extremism, Rule of Law, UN, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation (EFH) joins in the celebration of #HumanRightsDay, observed worldwide on every 10 December, anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1948. For the EFH, the UN Universal Declaration of...

  • Slovak Parliament rejects bill on restricting access to abortion following campaign by rights groups

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Slovakia, Women, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation welcomes the rejection of the draft proposal to restrict the access to abortion by the Slovak Parliament. The proposed bill was the 6th attempt this year to limit safe and legal access to abortion in the country. Earlier this year, the EHF took part in the international...

  • Slovakia mobilises for a secular state: interview with the President of humanist organisation ETHOS

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Church, Non-believers, Religion, Secularism, Slovakia, thematics

    With a predominantly Catholic population, Slovakia is theoretically not affiliated to any specific religion, as according to Art 1 of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. However, in practice preferential treatment is given to the Catholic Church through State funding and tax exemptions, humanist...

  • The EHF joins action against bill obstructing access to abortion in Slovakia

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Slovakia, SRHR, thematics

    Today, the European Humanist Federation (EHF) joins the international action #NebudemeTicho - #WeWontBeSilent in solidarity with women in Slovakia. A coalition of 36 civil society organisations launched this action against a new draft legislation, which would obstruct access to safe abortion care, harm...

  • Abortion rights in The Netherlands – EHF stands by Dutch humanists

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Anti-choice, Women, thematics

    Over the course of November, everyone in The Netherlands will receive an anti-abortion brochure in their mailbox. In it, women who want an abortion are portrayed as thoughtless and in need of help, as if they could not make an informed choice by themselves. The European Humanist Federation (EHF) and...

  • Humanists present Freedom of Thought Report 2019 in the European Parliament

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Article 17, EU Institutions, European Union, IHEU, thematics

    On 13 November, the European Humanist Federation took part in the first Article 17 event organised in the new parliamentary session, which took place at the European Parliament and was devoted to “The Humanist Contribution to European Society”. During this round-table, our friends of Humanists...

  • The EHF takes part in the conference on the 10th anniversary of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the EU Institutions, European Union, Events, Secularism, thematics

    On 12 November, The European Humanist Federation (EHF) attended the conference “Making the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights a Reality for All”, organised by the European Commission, the Finnish Presidency of the Council and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). The conference was the occasion...

  • The EHF welcomes the withdrawal of the bill reintroducing the crime of blasphemy in Greece

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, Democracy, Greece, thematics

    Earlier in November this year, the Greek Minister of Justice announced a project to reintroduce criminal sanctions for blasphemy. However, on 12 November the Government eventually renounced to its project, following public outcry by large parts of Greek civil society that showed a clear refusal of this...

  • The EHF takes part in the first conference on Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law at the EESC

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Democracy, European Union, Rule of Law, thematics

    On 5 November, the European Humanist Federation attended the first conference on Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law-Trends in the EU from a civil society perspective, organized by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The Conference brought together representative of European institutions...

  • Omnipresent religious (Catholic) symbols are a common feature in the public, state-funded schools in Andalusia. The European Humanist Federation contributes to the campaign led by our member association Europa Laica demanding the withdrawal of religious symbols from public educational institutions. ...

  • Earlier this year, the European Humanist Federation, in cooperation with other civil society organisations, took the lead to prevent a powerful traditionalist and anti-choice faith-based organisation (ADF) from acquiring participatory status at the Council of Europe. Now, inspired by the EHF, Belgian...

  • This week, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Centre d’Action Laïque (CAL), our Belgian EHF member organization, launched a call to all defenders of fundamental rights to promote secularism as a universal principle guaranteeing freedoms and peaceful coexistence of philosophical opinions...

  • Congress on “Expressing Humanist Values in Education, Chaplaincy and Ceremonies”

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Humanism, services, thematics

    4-6 October 2019, around 90 humanist professionals (also volunteers) from 10 different European countries came together in Bruges (Belgium) for the congress “Expressing Humanist Values in Education, Chaplaincy and Ceremonies”. The congress was organised by the EHP (European Humanist Professionals...

  • The president himself of a right-wing Greek party, “Elliniki Lisi” (“Greek Solution”, a party member of the ERC European group), Kyriakos Velopoulos, has tabled nothing less than a parliamentary question to the Greek government against EHF board member Panayote Dimitras, accused, in his capacity...

  • EHF president Giulio Ercolessi took part in Florence in a seminar organised by EHF member organisation UAAR (the Italian Union of Atheists Agnostics and Rationalists) to mark the 30th anniversary of the ruling of the Italian Constitutional Court in which the principle of “Laicità” (secularity...

  • European Humanist Federation’s Vice-President Kaja Bryx represented this year our organization during the 2019 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe). In a statement pronounced during the meeting, she commented  on the ODIHR publication...

  • Join the next international congress of the European Humanist Professionals in Bruges

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Humanism, services, thematics

    [caption id="attachment_3865" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Img credit: Bruges on Fire | Kenneth Garcia | Flickr[/caption] We are very excited to announce the International congress of the European Humanist Professionals (EHP), a subsection of the EHF which brings together professional involved...


    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Migration, Non-believers, thematics

    At the occasion of the event “Are you a true humanist?”, European humanists urged EU and national policy-makers to urgently improve the ways in which the claims of non-believers and freethinkers seeking asylum in Europe are processed and raise authorities’ awareness of their specific needs when...


    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Article 17, Secularism, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation deplores the fact that despite clear opposition from inside and outside the European Parliament, part of its leadership is still trying to push through the closed doors of the EP Bureau proposals that would grant religious and non-confessional organisations privileged...

  • Join us on 20 June in Brussels at "Are you a true humanist?", the event we will co-organise with the European Parliament Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief. The event will be occasion to discuss the situation of freethinkers seeking asylum when they reach reception centres in European countries...


    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Anti-choice, LGBT, SRHR, thematics

    PRESS RELEASE   At the occasion of the General Assembly of the European Humanist Federation, humanist organisations from all Europe issued a declaration to condemn the increasing opposition to key fundamental rights initiated or supported by different types of actors, ranging from far-right...

  • From breaking taboos to securing new rights: interview with the President of our Maltese members

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Malta, Secularism, thematics

    Many humanists remember the tragic death of Ramon Casha, the very active President of the Malta Humanist Association in early 2017 after a motorbike accident. Two years later, the association still draws power from his memory and is engaged in a number of battles: from lifting the taboo on abortion...

  • For a free Europe: the EU election campaign by our Dutch members

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, thematics

    As preparation for our campaign for the European elections, we published in March two key documents in which we developed our proposals to help the European Union fill the increasing gap between its values and the policies it pursues. While we have spread our proposals and reached out to high-level...

  • Humanists condemn the undermining of the EP’s impartiality towards religious organisations

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Article 17, European Union, Religion, thematics

    PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 16 April 2019 – The European Humanist Federation deplores the adoption yesterday by the European Parliament’s Bureau of a report that aims at providing religious and non-confessional organisations privileged access to policy-makers over the rest of civil society. This...

  • Will the European Parliament resist the institutionalisation of religious lobbying?

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Article 17, European Union, Religion, thematics

    An EHF opinion by our President, Giulio Ercolessi, published in Euractiv on 15 April 2019 In a time of growing diversity, secularism is the very principle that caters for the co-existence of the multitude of life stances and worldviews present in our societies. Yet, attempts to undermine it emanate...


    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Article 17, European Union, Religion, thematics

    PRESS RELEASE The European Humanist Federation denounces and strongly opposes the proposals made by European Parliament’s Vice-President Mairead McGuinness to institutionalise further the influence of religious organisations on the European Parliament’s legislative work. This call comes ...

  • Beyond narratives, what Europe needs is real policies respecting people’s human dignity

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the EU elections, EU Institutions, European Union, Humanism, thematics

    Brussels, 1 April 2019 – The European Humanist Federation advocated for a more humane Europe that truly aims to uphold the fundamental humanist values of freedom, equality and solidarity at the event Another Take on Europe organized in cooperation with the European Commission in the framework of its...

  • Verona, 30 March 2019 – Italian EHF member organisation Unione degli Atei e degli Agnostici Razionalisti (UAAR) co-organises the event Italia Laica, Verona Libera as a response to the holding of the World Congress of Families, one of the world’s largest international gatherings of ultra-conservative...


    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the AI, European Union, Freedom of Research, thematics

    PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 19 March 2019 The European Humanist Federation called for the creation of a European Observatory for Artificial Intelligence at the conference Artificial intelligence: Ethical concerns organized by the European Parliament as part of its regular dialogue with churches and non...

  • EHF warns U.N. about obstacles to asylum for persecuted non-believers

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Migration, Non-believers, UN, thematics

    On 12 March, the European Humanist Federation took the floor at the United Nations in Geneva and urged the Human Rights Council to take strong action in order to facilitate asylum procedures for non-believers fleeing persecutions worldwide. Although the UN Refugee Agency and the EU have issued...

  • Many might remember that a month ago, we were both happy about the content of a a European Parliament report and outraged about the political messaging being carried out around it. This was the EP report on the mandate of the EU Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief much more balanced...

  • EHF co-organises EU elections Campaign Lab

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, thematics

    Last year, we announced the launch of #yEUrManifesto, a civil society manifesto signed on by 200+ organisations  that envisioned a fairer, more democratic, more sustainable and more efficient European Union. Stemming from this collaboration, many felt that a larger gathering for European NGOs was...

  • by Julie Pernet, EHF Policy Officer This article was initially published in Conscience (the magazine of Catholics for Choice) --- In Sex and Secularism, Joan Wallach Scott challenges one of the main foundations of the “clash of civilizations” debate—that secularism has guaranteed women’...

  • Freedom of Religion or Belief: despite a balanced report, EPP intentions remain clear.

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the EP, European Union, Non-believers, Secularism, thematics

    PRESS-RELEASE - The European Humanist Federation takes note of the adoption by the European Parliament of its Report on the EU Guidelines and the mandate of the EU Special Envoy on the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU. In the meantime, it doubts that it will result in effective...

  • Our mission for 2019: defend the humanist heritage of the Enlightment

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, thematics

    2018 was a year of challenges with rising authoritarianism in many European countries. In what seems to be collective amnesia, many of the fundamental values established after the end of World War II in defense of our restored or newly established democracies have kept being shaken and this has been...

  • Persecuted for his beliefs: the experience of an atheist refugee

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the FoRB, Migration, Non-believers, thematics

    Karrar Hamza Al Asfoor is a 31 years old Iraqi activist who was the first person to be granted asylum in Greece because he is an atheist. Back home, he was actively engaged in promoting atheism. This prompted Ismalist groups to threaten him. He fled to Europe in order to find safety and be able to continue...

  • EHF President meets European Green Party to discuss EU elections

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the EU elections, European Union, thematics

    On 5th December, EHF President Giulio Ercolessi and Policy Officer Julie Pernet met with the European Greens Party in the perspective of the European elections of next May. This meeting with Secretary General Mar Garcia was the opportunity to discuss issues of common interest and to present some of...

  • Humanists remind European Parliament that human rights can only be secular

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Article 17, EU Institutions, Religion, thematics

    On 4 December, the European Parliament organized an event entitled Dialogue seminar with churches and religious communities: Religion and Human Rights within the EU – A shared responsibility. [caption id="attachment_3517" align="alignright" width="300"] Poster of the event organised by the European...

  • Humanists celebrate 70th anniversary of UDHR

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Human Rights, UN, thematics

    Exactly 70 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a milestone document in History that was drafted by representatives from all regions of the world, bringing in various legal and cultural backgrounds. Humanists are deeply committed...

  • Humanists present Freedom of Thought Report in the European Parliament

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the IHEU, Migration, Non-believers, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation and the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) presented the Freedom of Thought Report 2018, this year’s edition of the yearly status report prepared by the IHEU. The report documents the discriminations faced by people around the world because of their...

  • Will the European Parliament truly stand up for all people persecuted worldwide?

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, FoRB, Non-believers, thematics

    An EHF opinion by our President, Giulio Ercolessi, published in Euractiv on 5 December 2018. On 6 December, the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee will vote an important report for people who are mistreated, discriminated or persecuted for their beliefs worldwide, writes Giulio Ercolessi...

  • EHF President urges EU to defend non conformist thinkers, not build walls

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, Italy, LGBT, Migration, thematics

    EHF President Giulio Ercolessi took part last week in Milan in a panel debate on transnational issues within the 12th Congress of the Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti, one of the main Italian LGBTI associations. The panel was focused on the discrimination and persecution of LGBTI persons in North...

  • EHF takes part in EU Fundamental Rights Colloquium

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Democracy, European Union, thematics

    On 26 and 27 November, the EHF took part in the European Commission’s Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights that focused this year on « Democracy in the EU ». With various civil society organisations and representatives from European institutions, we brainstormed about an issue that is of...

  • EHF joins NGO statement on civil society’s role for human rights

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Democracy, European Union, Rule of Law, thematics

    On 26 and 27 November, the European Commission hosts the 2018 Annual Fundamental Rights Colloquium this year dedicated to "Democracy in the EU". As explained on the event's website, the colloquium will aim to reaffirm that Democracy is a central value common to the European Union and all its Member ...

  • The city of Verona declared “pro-life” – Women’s rights movements mobilize.

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Anti-choice, Italy, SRHR, thematics

    On Saturday, Italian women’s rights movements will rally in Rome to protest against increasing political and administrative attacks launched against Italian women’s right to abortion by various far right politicians of the Northern League, the party of Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini...

  • Rehabilitate those who refused to take part in the slaughter a 100 years ago!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Humanism, thematics

    [caption id="attachment_3433" align="alignright" width="300"] Soldier executed in Belgium after refusing to go back to fight. Source: lalibre.be[/caption] Today the world celebrates the centenary of the end of WWI. During the past four years of studies, celebrations and commemorations, a parallel...

  • EHF supports letter to Pope Francis about his recent remarks on abortion

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Church, Religious Extremism, SRHR, thematics

    People may remember that on 10 October Pope Francis made one of his harshest criticisms about abortion when he declared that abortion is like "hiring a contract killer to resolve the problem." This stigmatizing declaration is at odds with the reality of hundreds of millions of women around the world...

  • Humanist Society Scotland replicates Romanian Science Calendar

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Freedom of Research, Humanism, Romania, Science, scotland, Secularism, thematics

    Some will remember that a few months back, we reported about the Science Calendar, a wonderful achievement of our Romanian members. This story amazed our Scottish members so much that they decided to replicate project. The original story Back then, we talked to Monica Belițoiu, Chief Executive ...

  • European humanists welcome the Irish vote for freedom of expression.

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, FoE, Ireland, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation (EHF) rejoices at the results of the Irish referendum on repealing the clause penalizing blasphemy in the country’s Constitution. This result is yet another important milestone that will foster the harmonious co-existence of the many life stances present in our modern...

  • European humanists call on Irish people to vote “yes” in blasphemy referendum.

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, FoE, Ireland, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation (EHF) calls on Irish voters to vote “yes” at the upcoming referendum on removing the wording condemning blasphemy from the Irish Constitution. This Friday’s referendum will decide whether to remove blasphemy from the list of limitations of freedom of expression...

  • Romania: homophobic referendum fails. Time to work towards equality.

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the LGBT, Romania, thematics

    Bucharest, Romania – The EHF congratulates the Romanian people for refusing the exclusionary ideas pushed by extremist reactionary lobbies and the Orthodox Church in this weekend’s homophobic referendum. We however remain vigilant that the message addressed by the people will be upheld in practice...

  • When politics overwrite values: Romania’s homophobic referendum

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Anti-choice, LGBT, Romania, thematics

    Imagine a country where a referendum is scheduled with less than a month's notice, leaving too little time for public administrations to sufficiently prepare and provide basic guarantees. Now imagine that this referendum, pushed by religious extremists and aiming at making homophobic changes to the ...

  • International Safe Abortion Day: EHF publishes abortion status report

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, SRHR, thematics

    Access to abortion in Europe appears to be a vested right. In reality, however, it is nothing of the kind. Attacks by anti- choice groups, both open and insidious, are increasing. Shaming of women remains the rule. Barriers to women’s sexual and reproductive autonomy are a manifestation of institutionalised...

  • #yEUrManifesto – the citizens manifesto for a sustainable Europe

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the EU elections, European Union, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation, together with major NGOs from a number of sectors such as SDGWatch, Save the Children, Global Call to Action Against Poverty, the European Environmental Bureau, Global Health Advocates, Solidar and Nyt Europe launched the Civil Society Manifesto for a Sustainable ...

  • U.N. Publishes EHF statement on the hijacking of human rights

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Conscientious Objection, Equality, SRHR, UN, thematics

    The UN Human Rights Council has published the EHF's written statement on the hijacking of human rights concepts to undermine people's rights and freedoms. Indeed an increasing number of conservatives and religious fundamentalists use human rights concepts and language to spread messages promoting their...

  • Our message to the OSCE: Repeal ALL blasphemy laws

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, FoE, OSCE, thematics

    On 13 September, the EHF took part in the annual Human Dimension Implementation Meeting organised by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). This annual event serves as a platform for the 57 OSCE participating States, OSCE Partners, civil society, international organizations...

  • The Sargentini Report: A Christian dilemma

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Hungary, Rule of Law, thematics

    An EHF opinion by our President, Giulio Ercolessi, published in Euractiv on 11 September 2018. More than ever, Europe’s democratic values are under threat and the political developments in Hungary perfectly illustrate that. Hence the importance of this week’s vote on Hungary in the European Parliament...

  • Willy Toledo prosecuted after case on “insult to religion”

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, Spain, thematics

    This week, a Court of Madrid has issued an arrest warrant against Spanish actor Willy Toledo for failing to appear and testify twice after a complaint of the Spanish Association of Christian Lawyers for alleged vexation of religious feelings. The Spanish Association of Christian Lawyers had denounced...

  • Stand for Truth and Humanist Summer School in Ireland

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Church, Ireland, Members, thematics

    In an attempt to re-evangelise people of Ireland, Pope Francis held the 2018 World Meeting of Families in Dublin last week-end. A 36-hours tense and costly visit that has highlighted the increasing gap between Catholics and more broadly the Irish society and the Vatican. Stand for Truth The Pope...

  • The science calendar: a success story by our Romanian members

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Freedom of Research, Humanism, Members, Projects, Romania, Science, Secularism, thematics

    Ever wondered if you share your birthday with a famous scientist or whether an important discovery, invention or scientific feat was achieved on the day and month you were born? In Romania, you can easily check this everyday on the Science Calendar developed by our member organisation Asociatia Secular...

  • From 2016 to today: Polish women’s fight for their right to choose

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Poland, SRHR, Women, thematics

    On 2 July 2018, Polish women had to mobilize once more against a draft bill threatening to curb further their already limited right to choose over their own bodies. This is an ongoing struggle, and the last effort to stop the anti-choice groups happened on 23 March 2018. What followed was a powerful...

  • EHF President Giulio Ercolessi on the state of Europe

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Democracy, European Union, Rule of Law, thematics

    On 21 June 2018, the European Humanist Federation held its General Assembly in Nuremberg, Germany. At this occasion, EHF President Giulio Ercolessi made a welcoming speech looking back to the political developments of the last years. He drew a bittersweet picture of a Europe where progressives win battles...

  • At UN, EHF highlights the situation of free thinking refugees

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Migration, Non-believers, Non-EU institutions, UN, thematics

    Today, the European Humanist Federation took part in the discussions of the United Nations Human Rights Council on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. In this context, the EHF raised the case of humanists, atheists, free-thinkers and non-believers discriminated against...

  • On 2nd July, the European Humanist federation addressed the United Nations Human Rights Council and urged member states to do more to protect girls and women’s rights in Europe and beyond. We stressed the urgency for European states to lead the way when one women in three have experienced sexual...

  • Humanists and religious join forces for Freedom of Religion or Belief.

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the FoRB, IHEU, Non-believers, thematics

    Brussels, 26 June 2018 – The European Humanist Federation is pleased to launch the “Believe it or not! It’s my right” campaign (https://forb-defenders.org) together with the European Platform against Religious Intolerance and Discrimination (EPRID), Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) and the...

  • Humanists celebrate human rights at Humanistentag in Nuremberg

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Annual Reports, GA, Members, thematics

    PRESS RELEASE   Nuremberg, 25 June 2018 – Humanists from all over Europe gathered this weekend in Nuremberg, at the occasion of the General Assembly of the European Humanist Federation (EHF). The General Assembly was followed by Humanisten Tag, the landmark event of EHF member organization...


    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Article 17, Ethics, European Union, Science, thematics

    PRESS RELEASE   Brussels – 18 June 2018 – The European Humanist Federation took part in a High-level meeting organised by the European Commission with non-confessional organisations concerning the recent Communication of the Commission on Artificial Intelligence for Europe. Vice-President...

  • Non-believers: Three videos, three perspectives: the world, Europe, refugees

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, IHEU, Migration, Non-believers, thematics

    A few weeks back, we organized an event to discuss the situation of non-believers in the world at the European Parliament. This was a landmark meeting as it was the first time that high-level EU officials clearly acknowledged the issue of the discrimination and persecution of non-believers in the world...

  • Press release: extend the scope of european citizens’ initiatives

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Democracy, European Union, thematics

    Brussels – 13 June 2018 – The European Humanist Federation (EHF) expresses its concerns over the on-going discussions within the AFCO committee about the revision of the European Citizens’ Initiative. Certain political groups in the Committee are committed to clearly and unequivocally define...

  • Italy’s minister for family is openly homophobic and anti-abortion

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Anti-choice, Italy, LGBT, thematics

    Italy's new government is raising worries in many parts of Europe. For us humanists, of special concern is the nomination of Lorenzo Fontana, a fiercely anti-choice politician who is openly homophobic and anti-abortion. We asked our members from Unione degli Atei e degli Agnostici Razionalisti (...

  • Ireland: the pro-choice won a battle, but the war goes on.

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Ireland, SRHR, thematics

    Ireland voted ‘Yes’, a resounding, clear-cut ‘yes’, spanning all demographics of the country. A ‘yes’ rooted in true public debate, a ‘yes’ that reconciles one with politics. [caption id="attachment_3048" align="alignright" width="300"] Source: independent.ie[/caption] But as he...

  • Landslide victory of ‘Yes’ in Ireland means legislation should follow quickly

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Ireland, SRHR, thematics

    PRESS RELEASE Brussels – 26 May 2018 – The European Humanist Federation rejoices at the first results of the referendum on repealing the Irish constitution’s 8th amendment. "The landslide victory of the pro-choice side in yesterday’s Irish referendum is a milestone for all European secularists...

  • Euthanasia in Spain: the anti-choice mobilize

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Anti-choice, euthanasia, Right2Die, Spain, thematics

    Following a proposal from the Spanish Socialist Party, the Spanish Parliament is set to discuss a bill to depenalize and regulate euthanasia in the country. Following this, the ultra-conservative anti-choice One of Us Federation, published an article in which it express that it “rejects the choice...

  • Life when abortion is banned: the case of Ireland

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Ireland, Members, SRHR, thematics

    [caption id="attachment_2995" align="alignright" width="300"] The "Repeal the 8th" mural on the front of Project Arts Centre in Dublin's Temple Bar . Pic Collins Photos[/caption] Two weeks from now, Ireland will hold an historic referendum to repeal the 8th amemndment to its Constitution. This amendment...

  • Bavaria to force public buildings to hang cross at entrance

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Germany, Members, Secularism, thematics

    [caption id="attachment_2966" align="alignright" width="300"] Bavarian PM Markus Söder hangs a cross at the entrance of the state chancellery in Munich Photo Credit: Germany AP[/caption] The European Humanist Federation is deeply outraged by the decision of the Bavarian government to force public...

  • EU Court opposes anti-choice activists in key judgement

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Anti-choice, European Union, thematics

    PRESS RELEASE The European Humanist Federation welcomes the ruling of the EU’s top court that rejected anti-choice activists’ request to ban all EU funds for what they call “activities that destroy human embryos”, mainly in research and maternal health. In 2014, the EHF raised its voice...

  • EHF signs letters advocating full ratification of Istanbul Convention

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Council of Europe, Women, thematics

    Today, the EHF signed two letters addressed to Mr. Thorborn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, concerning the importance of the full ratification, without reservations, of the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combatting Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. As of today...

  • 75% of Belgians want abortion out of the criminal code!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Belgium, SRHR, thematics

    , says a nation-wide survey ordered by EHF Member Organisations Centre d’Action Laïque and DeMens.nu. The survey also highlights the lack of awareness in Belgium about the current abortion law: only 20% of the people surveyed knew that abortion is still in the criminal code. By ordering this...

  • Persecution of non-believers is a serious issue, says the EU.

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Article 17, EP, European Union, IHEU, Non-believers, thematics

    In cooperation with the EHF, the European Parliament organized its annual dialogue meeting with non-confessional organisations on 11 April in Brussels[1]. On EHF’s request, this year’s focus was on the discrimination and persecution of non-believers around the world, an issue that still does not...

  • EHF signs statement of solidarity with Polish women

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Poland, SRHR, thematics

    Women's sexual and reproductive rights are once more under attack in Poland! Indeed, a new drastic law on abortion is about to be put in front of the Parliament. It's effect would be an almost complete ban of abortion in Poland, a country that already has one of the most restrictive laws in Europe. ...

  • Application to the Henri La Fontaine Price is now open

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Humanism, thematics

    The applications for the 2018 Henri La Fontaine Prize for Humanism are open with a deadline for application until 15 June. The Prize was created by the Foundation Henri La Fontaine in memory of Henri Lafontaine who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1913. Henri Lafontaine was an international law...

  • EHF signs solidarity statement to Hungarian NGOs

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, Hungary, Rule of Law, thematics

    On 13 February, the Hungarian government released a new set of bills targeting Civil Society Organisations working on migration. These bills - referred to as the “STOP SOROS” package – follow last year’s bill on NGOs that required NGOs that received over 24,000 € funding from abroad to register...

  • Germany considers repealing nazi abortion information ban

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Germany, Members, SRHR, thematics

    “The legislature does not want to discuss the abortion in public as if it were a normal thing” sounded the verdict of a German court, condemning Dr. Kristina Hänel to a € 6,000 fine in late 2017 for providing information about abortion on her website. How is that even possible, you ask? The...

  • CoE Human Rights Commissioner’s speech on women’s rights

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Council of Europe, SRHR, thematics

    Today, 01 March, a week ahead of the International Women's Day, Nils Muižnieks, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, delivered a speech to the Plenary of the European Parliament concerning his experience with relation to women's rights and gender equality. In his speech, ...

  • Atheist activist Karrar Hamza granted asylum in Greece!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the FoE, FoRB, Greece, IHEU, Iraq, thematics

    A few months back, our website reported about the case of Mr. Karrar Dwood Hamza, a well known Iraqi atheist who is in danger of persecution and even assasination. Karra arrived in Greece on 31 August 2017 and his arrival was registered on 4 September 2017. In October, the EHF, together with the Humanist...

  • Cypriot education ministry promotes anti-atheist teaching material

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Cyprus, Education, FoRB, Secularism, thematics

    The Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) of Cyprus is preaching hate and blatant lies against atheism in an effort to keep school children away from non-religious points of view. According to a high-school textbook and teachers’ online material available at MoEC’s website, atheists are...

  • Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights released!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, CoE, European Union, SRHR, thematics

    On 5 December, the Commissioner for Human Right of the Council of Europe, Mr. Nils Muižnieks released a report on women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in Europe. The document provides an overview of the obligation of European countries under international and European laws in terms of...

  • The 2017 Freedom of Thought Report is out!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, FoE, FoRB, Humanism, IHEU, thematics

    Today, the International Humanist and Ethical Union published its yearly Freedom of Thought Report, an outstanding account of the situation of freedom of thought in the world. The report, the 7th of its kind, is broken down into countries and for each country a number of elements are analyzed...

  • EHF humanist meeting and conference in Valencia!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Events, Members, Spain, thematics

    On 17 November, the European Humanist Federation took part in a conference co-organized with EHF members Associació per a l’Humanisme and Valencia Laica in Valencia, Spain. This humanist afternoon was centered around a working meeting with Spanish organisations sharing the EHF’s values as well...

  • Polish Secularity Manifesto signed by 8 Polish parties

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, Poland, Secularism, thematics

    The EHF provided its support to the organisation of a Polish initiative, the Secularity Congress which was held in Warsaw on 21st and 22nd October. The congress was organized by an association composed of the representatives of numerous secularist NGOs, including Polish EHF’s humanist and rationalist...

  • IHEU and EHF support asylum application of Iraqi atheist activist

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, IHEU, thematics

    Yesterday, the EHF and its sister organisation the International Humanist and Ethical Union, in collaboration with their Greek member organisation, the Humanist Union of Greece, drafted a letter to call on the Greek authorities to grant asylum to Mr. Karrar Dwood Hamza, a well known Iraqi atheist who...

  • 26 years ago, our organisation was founded out of the need to unite humanist, secular, laïque, rationalist, skeptical, etc. voices in Europe. Since then, the humanist family has grown a lot and unites today more than 60 member organisations from Portugal to Finland, from Iceland to Cyprus, united...

  • [caption id="attachment_2690" align="alignright" width="300"] Photo: Nick Youngson - http://nyphotographic.com/[/caption] The annual congress of the EHF member organization the Associazione Luca Coscioni per la Libertà di Ricerca Scientifica (Association for the freedom of scientific research) took...

  • EHF President’s speech at the 2017 Congress of the International Association of Free Thought

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Anti-choice, Humanism, thematics

    EHF President Giulio Ercolessi was invited to the 8th Congress of the International Association of Free Thought organised in Paris between 21 and 24 September. During his speech, the EHF President emphaiszed the importance for all humanist, secularist, laïque, free thinker, skeptical, rationalist...

  • AllOfUs sends letter to Lithuanian authorities over draft bill on abortion

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, European Union, Lithuania, SRHR, thematics

    On 20 September, the Committe of Human Rights of the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, revived discussion on a so-called "Law on the protection of a life in a pre-natal phase” also known as the “abortion ban bill”. Currently, abortions in Lithuania are allowed up to the 12th week of pregnancy...

  • The EHF contributes to shaping UN understanding of what the right to life means

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, Non-believers, Right2Die, SRHR, UN, thematics

    On 5 October, the EHF submitted a contribution to the UN’s Human Rights Committee, a body currently working on the UN’s own understanding of what the “right to life” means. The topics highlighted were access to safe a legal abortion, the fact that the right to die in dignity should be seen...

  • EHF declaration on the events in Catalonia

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, Rule of Law, thematics

    Echoing its Spanish and Catalan Member Organisations, the European Humanist Federation is concerned by the events taking place in Catalonia and regrets the recent escalation. The EHF does not take position on the merits of a dispute that concerns the “form of state” provided for by the existing...

  • International Safe Abortion Day: photos from the Brussels mobilization

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, SRHR, thematics

    28 September was the Global Action Day for Safe and Legal Abortion and all around the world demonstrations were held for securing this fundamental right that many women in the world are still denied. The EHF took part in the mobilization in Brussels. We propose below a set of the best slogans at...

  • At the occasion of the Global Action Day for Safe and Legal Abortion, Giulio Ercolessi, President of the EHF, proposes his analysis of a thesis commonly promoted by extremist religious groups: that the embryo is a human being. --- The Embryo is not One of Us A house is burning and on the brink ...

  • Today the EHF joined 285 organisations from around the world to denounce the effects of the prohibition of abortion in a number of countries worldwide. The statement which was delivered under agenda item 8 at the 36th session of the UN's Human Rights council stresses the fact that each year 22 Million...

  • EHF calls on U.N. to protect women’s lives and rights

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Abortion, SRHR, UN, thematics

    During the 36th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council*,  EHF denounced the persistent human rights violations arising from the denial of sexual and reproductive rights for women and transgender people in Europe and worldwide. As a lucky woman whose sexual and reproductive rights have...

  • EHF urges OSCE member States to protect non-believers from discrimination

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Migration, Non-believers, Non-EU institutions, thematics

    During a meeting on Tolerance and non-discrimination at the OSCE’s Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM)* in Warsaw, the European Humanist Federation (EHF) urged Member States to protect non-believers, atheists and free-thinkers from discrimination and persecution. EHF President Giulio...

  • EHF meets Estonian Council Presidency

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the EU Institutions, Presidency, thematics

    Estonia is currently holding the European Council Presidency since July 2017. On 29 August, EHF President Giulio Ercolessi and EHF Executive Director Pierre-Arnaud Perrouty met Matti Maasikas, the Estionian Minister for European Union Affairs in Tallinn. Among the issues that were discussed was ...

  • EHF signs joint letter on asylum-seeker family reunification

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, Germany, Greece, Migration, thematics

    Following the identificaiton of a recent practice by German authorities according to which, asylum seekers entitled to be transferred to Germany under the relevant provisions of the Dublin III Regulation, are “blocked’ in Greece for periods exceeding the deadlines provided by the above mentioned...

  • EHF calls on Bangladesh government to respect secularism and protect its people

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Bangladesh, Blasphemy, FoE, thematics

    On 11 July, the EHF contributed to a meeting on ''Countering extreme violence: Global context and Bangladeshi diaspora” organised by the European Bangladesh Forum in Brussels. Violations of the right to freedom of religion or belief and freedom of speech have dramatically increased over the past...

  • EHF President speaks at Italian conference on LGBT refugees

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Equality, Events, Italy, LGBT, Migration, thematics

    EHF president Giulio Ercolessi took part on Friday in the Italian Chamber of Deputies in a conference called to mark the tenth anniversary of the law granting humanitarian protection to LGBT asylum seekers in Italy. The conference was called at the initiatve of the two former MPs – Franco Grillini...

  • On 20th June, the European Humanist Federation, together with the International Humanist and Ethical Union, urged UN member states to better protect freedom of religion or belief including non-believers’ rights worldwide as a way to foster mutual understanding. This declaration was made during...

  • EHF speaks up at UN for protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the SRHR, UN, thematics

    On 19th June, the European Humanist Federation called on UN member states and especially European Member states to comply with their human rights obligations and to secure women’s sexual and reproductive rights in law and practice. This statement was given at the Human Rights Council 35th session...

  • Humanists meet with European Commission for frank and constructive dialogue over the future of Europe

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Article 17, EU Institutions, Events, thematics

    At the invitation of First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, the European Humanist Federation (EHF) and some of its member organisations*, met today with the European  Commission and the European Parliament to discuss the future of Europe. Humanists welcome this opportunity for a High Level dialogue...

  • IHEU and EHF send joint letter for protection of Sultana Kamal

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Bangladesh, Blasphemy, FoE, IHEU, thematics

    Today, the EHF and the IHEU, co-signed a letter addressed to Ján Figel, Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU, calling on him act for the protection of Bangladeshi human rights defender Sultana Kamal over threats by Islamist hardline group Hefazat-e-Islam. ...

  • The EHF holds its General Assembly and Annual Conference

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Events, GA, Members, Poland, RoL, thematics

    Brussels, 23 May 2017 – Humanists from all over Europe are coming home from Wroclaw, Poland where the EHF held its 2017 General Assembly on Friday followed by a two-days conference entitled Humanism and Rationalism: current challenges and ideas for the future. During the General Assembly, members...

  • The EHF joins European Civil Society in expressing solidarity to Hungarian NGOs

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, Hungary, RoL, thematics

    On 7 April, after rushing through Parliament a law rendering the functioning of one of Hungary's most successful universities, the Central European University, impossible, the Hungarian government tabled a new law regulating NGOs which aims at stigmatising NGOs that receive funding from aborad. This...

  • The EHF releases its Humanist Vision for Europe

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Equality, European Union, RoL, Secularism, SRHR, thematics

    The European Union is 60 years old! For the first time in history, EU citizens have been safeguarded for six decades from the tendency of European states to make war to each other. Never has a common project allowed peoples of Europe to learn more about each other and exchange so much, both economically...

  • EHF European Freedom of Thought Quiz

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the FoRB, IHEU, Secularism, thematics

    Saturday 25 March 2017 marks the 60th Anniversary of the EU! In six decades, many things have changed: from a continent traumatized by the horrors of the Second World War, Europe has evolved into one of the most prosperous and freest regions in the world. In terms of human rights especially, ...

  • EU meeting with the Pope sends the wrong signal to millions of non Catholic citizens

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Church, EU Institutions, European Union, thematics

    French below On 24 March, Heads of State and Government of the European Union will meet Pope Francis in Rome ahead of the EU Summit dedicated to discuss the future of Europe. In the words of Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta – the Member State currently holding the EU Presidency – Pope...

  • Hate messages turned into funding for abortion #IWD2017

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the France, SRHR, thematics

    For the Internation Women's Day, the EHF wanted to serve some good news and we thought that this wonderful story would bring some happiness to our communnity. Nowadays, when it sometimes feels like ignorance is bliss, it is good to remember the power of facts. This is particularly true regarding ...

  • The EHF joins the international coalition against President Trump’s reinstatement of the so-called Mexico City Policy, also known as the Global Gag Rule, intended to block federal funding for international groups that provide access to (or information about) medical abortions. This policy has been...

  • Save Ahmad Djalali

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, thematics

    Dr Ahmadreza Djalali has been working in the field of disaster medicine since 1999 and has written dozens of scientific papers on the subject. In 2009, he left Iran to study at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden to complete a PhD program. Since, he is a regular teacher of the European Master in Disaster...

  • Humanists and civil rights activists mourn and celebrate life of Ramon Casha

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Malta, Members, thematics

    We are deeply saddened by the death of Ramon Casha, chair of the Malta Humanist Association, and a campaigner of terrific energy, scope and commitment. Ramon, 47, died yesterday (Sunday 23 January) from medical complications arising from a road accident which occurred in July 2016. Ramon campaigned...

  • Read the brand new report on anti-choice lobbyists in Europe!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Anti-choice, thematics

    Brussels, 12 January 2017 – MEP Heidi Hautala (Finland, Greens) hosted the launch of a new report drafted by consultant Elena Zacharenko compiling everything that one must know about anti-choice lobbyists and groups in Europe. It bears the title Perspectives on anti-choice lobbying in Europe. ...

  • End Greek Blasphemy Laws campaign continues

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, Greece, thematics

    The campaign to abolish blasphemy laws in Greece continues in 2017. A very promising development is the fact that Ms. Maria Yannakaki was appointed as the Secretary-General for Transparency and Human Rights at the Ministry of Justice of Greece. M. Yannakaki spoke at the EHF’s General Assemble in...

  • The 2016 Freedom of Thought Report is now available!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the FoRB, IHEU, thematics

    Jump to the report right away: http://freethoughtreport.com. Too many people have “narrowly defined views on religious freedom”, leading to the exclusion of humanists, atheists and the non-religious from human rights protections. This is the view of the United Nations’ recently appointed...

  • EHF signs Civil Society Statement on Future Of Europe with 176 other organisations

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, thematics

    Today, the EHF has joined 176 other civil society organisations in signing a common statement on the Future of Europe ahead of EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker's State of the Union Address to be held at the European Parliament on Wednesday 14 September. The Statement is also addressed towards...

  • Greek Blasphemy Laws under the spotlight of UN CERD Committee

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, Greece, Members, UN, thematics

    The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination endorses recommendations jointly submitted by the Humanist Union of Greece, the European Humanist Federation and the International Humanist and Ethical Union. The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) is the UN body...

  • EHF holds two high-level meetings with European Commission

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Article 17, EU Institutions, European Union, thematics

    In June, the European Humanist Federation met the European Commission at two occasions in the framework of the “Article 17 Dialogue” stemming from the article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) requiring that a dialogue be established between the EU and religious as...

  • 4 weeks to go until European Humanist Youth Days 2016

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Events, Netherlands, thematics

    Get ready for the European Humanist Youth Days 2016! A mix of interesting lectures, debates with 100+ fellow young Europeans and of course partying and a lot of fun! From July 29 to 31, the European Humanist Youth Days will take place in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Don't miss it! The first edition...

  • UN: IHEU and Danish Humanist Society call on Denmark to abolish blasphemy law

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, Denmark, IHEU, UN, thematics

    Humanists told the UN Human Rights Council on 24 June that “the state-church institution is fundamentally unfair” in Denmark as elsewhere, and called for the abolition of the Danish “blasphemy” law. On behalf of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) and the Danish Humanist Society...

  • Launch of High Ground Alliance for Choice and Dignity in Europe

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Equality, EU Institutions, Events, High Ground, SRHR, thematics

    On 2 June, together with five other international NGOs, the EHF launched High Ground, The Alliance for Choice and Dignity in Europe at the European Parliament. High Ground was formed to work toward a European legal and political landscape which secures and enables the full realization of human...

  • Maltese Humanists, EHF and IHEU hold #Humanists2016 weekend in Malta

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Events, GA, IHEU, Malta, thematics

    The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) and the European Humanist Federation (EHF) held their respective General Assemblies in Valetta (Malta) this weekend, hosted by the Malta Humanist Association. Over 100 delegates from all over Europe joined the EHF’s General Assembly on 20 May. ...

  • The EHF releases its annual report

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Annual Reports, Members, thematics

    The EHF's annual report is out! Learn about all the activities undertook by the EHF this year: from promoting secularism and humanism Europe-wide to campaigning for free speech, defending women’s rights as well as sexual and reproductive health and rights, providing humanist services and working...

  • EHF joins 15 NGOs calling the UN to investigate murders in Bangladesh

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Bangladesh, Blasphemy, UN, thematics

    Joint statement issued in the perspective of the 32nd UN Human Rights Council session in Geneva (June 2016) UN: Investigate Writer and Activist Murders in Bangladesh We, the undersigned organizations dedicated to the promotion of human rights, free expression, and freedom of belief, call on governments...

  • The European Humanist Federation is pleased to support the call for application for the 2016 Henri La Fontaine Prize for Humanism. This prize, awarded by the Henri La Fontaine Foundation, is intended to honor individuals, institutions or public or private bodies contributing significantly to the ...

  • Speak out against religious fundamentalism in Bangladesh!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Bangladesh, Blasphemy, FoE, thematics

    On 3 May 2016, the EHF signed a joint statement by 26 Civil Society Organisations and a number of academics, intellectuals and human rights advocates from Bangladesh and around the world. The document denounces recent extremist violence against and the murder of free thinkers and non-Islamic believers...

  • Two LGBTI activists are latest victims of serial killings in Bangladesh

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Bangladesh, Blasphemy, FoE, IHEU, thematics

    Source: IHEU, 25 April Two LGBT activists have been hacked to death at a house in Kalabagan, Dhaka. Xulhaz Mannan was editor of the LGBT magazine Roopbaan and widely recognised for his gay rights activism. He had previously worked as protocol officer at the US embassy in Dhaka.Tanay Fahim...

  • Money vs people: Europe shameful deal

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, Migration, thematics

    Ahead of the European Council meeting in Brussels on 17-18 March 2016, the European Humanist Federation calls on the Council to fully respect its human rights commitments and to open safe ways to Europe for asylum seekers. [caption id="attachment_2015" align="alignright" width="228"] Refugees...

  • Holy alliance against freedom?

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Church, thematics

    For the first time since the schism of the two religions in the 11th century, Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, met last Friday Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in an historic exercise of “religious unity”. Their joint declaration is another missed opportunity to re-connect with...

  • Bangladesh Alternative Book Fair & conference in The Hague

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Bangladesh, Blasphemy, FoE, thematics

    On February 21, 2016, The Hague Peace Projects and Mukto-Mona in collaboration with the IHEU are organizing the “Bangladesh Alternative Book Fair” in The Hague. An open event supported by EHF in solidarity with exiled and threatened Bangladeshi humanists and intellectuals. There will...

  • Mr Orbán, it’s time to play by the rules!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, Hungary, RoL, thematics

    The organizing committee of the European Citizens’ Initiative* “Wake up Europe ! Act4democracy” which aims at protecting European democratic values is pleased to announce that the initiative was officially registered by the European Commission on 30 November 2015. This petition was launched...

  • On 26 November, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning severe violations of freedom of expression and horrific violence against secularist writers, publishers and bloggers in Bangladesh. However, MEPs kept silent on the very harsh national blasphemy-like legislations. These last...

  • Do not let them kill the values we are proud of!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, Terrorism, thematics

    French below Friday’s atrocity in Paris has left the world shaken, stupefied, and appalled at the deaths of so many innocent people. Many have awoken to a strange new realisation that the targets of terrorism are not simply strategic sites or public figures, but ordinary human beings, regardless...

  • The dramatic war against freedom or beliefs and freedom of expression continues to make more victims in Bangladesh. After multiples attacks against humanist bloggers and the recent murders of four of them, Islamist groups have continued their macabre witch-hunt against proponents of secularism and...

  • Wake up Europe! Humanists launch a European citizens’ initiative to sanction Hungary!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the European Union, Hungary, RoL, thematics

      Visit official website here : www.act4democracy.eu   This European Citizens' Initiative was launched by a comitee of 9 citizens from 8 European countries and is coordinated by the European Humanist Federation....

  • This call follows a serie of setbacks regarding abortion right and women's sexual and reproductive rights in several European countries where abortion is legal. In Spain, the Parliament just passed a law removing any legal possibility to abort for the 10% of vulnerable young women who need to abort...

  • During the 30th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, the European Humanist Federation (EHF) and the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) have issued a joint written statement and an oral statement raising the Holy See’s (HS) continued failure to protect the rights of...

  • Europe must welcome refugees and sanction failing countries

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the EU Institutions, Migration, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation (EHF) calls on EU leaders to implement a coordinated and human rights based response to welcome refugees and to initiate sanctions against Member States violating EU values. As many civil society organisations, the European Humanist Federation (EHF) is highly concerned...

  • Gender equality at school: support education as a tool for change!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Education, Equality, EU Institutions, SRHR, thematics

    Joint call to support the Rodrigues report Dowload the call in EN| FR Civil society and human rights organisations call Members of the European Parliament to support the report on “Empowering girls through education in the EU” in the plenary vote on 8 September. This report proposes actions...

  • Huge alliance protests government response to Bangladesh blogger murders

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Bangladesh, Blasphemy, FoE, IHEU, thematics

    Following the brutal murders of Bangladeshi secular writers by islamist groups these last months, bloggers, free speech campaigners, humanist, religious and ex-Muslims organisations, all unite to protest (see the open letter below). These past months, the EHF received many calls for help from secular...

  • Humanists discuss the right to life at United Nations

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the IHEU, Right2Die, UN, thematics

    In a UN meeting very well attended by anti-choice organisations, the EHF and IHEU urged the UN Human Rights Committee to reaffirm that the right to life - as defined by article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights '(ICCPR) -  begins at birth and not at conception. Humanists...

  • Speak Out for Bangladesh Bloggers

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Bangladesh, Blasphemy, FoE, IHEU, thematics

    Violations of the right to freedom of religion or belief and freedom of speech have dramatically increased over the past few years in Bangladesh. This year, four secular and humanist bloggers were hacked to death by islamist groups for “insulting Islam”. Niladri Chatterjee (Niloy Neel), Ananta ...

  • Landmark vote for gender quality, sexual and reproductive rights and LGBTI rights at the European Parliament

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Equality, EU Institutions, LGBT, SRHR, thematics

    In a landmark vote, the European Parliament (EP) adopted yesterday a resolution calling for an EU Strategy for equality between women and men. This resolution was authored by German S&D MEP Maria Noichl. The European Humanist Federation welcomes this important move from citizens' representatives...

  • EHF strongly condemns recent attack on Zeljko Peratovic

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Croatia, FoE, Member, thematics

    The EHF strongly condemns a recent attack on Zeljko Peratovic, journalist and vice president of our member organisation the Center for Civil Courage. He was severely beaten, suffocated and hit in the head which left an open wound on his forehead. After he was taken to the hospital, the perpetrators...

  • Athens 2015 : EHF GA and conference

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the GA, Greece, Members, thematics

    On 15 and 16 May 2015, the EHF held its 2015 General Assembly and annual conference in Athens with more than 70 members' representatives from 20 European countries. This event was jointly organised with our member the Humanist Union of Greece. Strengthening and expanding the EHF network These...

  • How to strenghten humanism in Eastern Europe? Young humanists meet in Bucharest for 3 days workshops

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Events, Members, Romania, thematics

    More than 60 young humanists gathered in Bucharest from 24 to 26 April on the invitation of the Romanian Humanist Association to discuss the challenges faced by Eastern, Baltic, Caucasus and Southeastern countries regarding humanism and secularism. In most of these countries, the influence of churches...

  • In the wake of the Paris and Copenhagen killings and the murder of Avijit Roy, today at the UN Human Rights Council, the IHEU’s Head of Delegation to Council, Elizabeth O’Casey delivered a statement on the important relationship between freedom of expression and freedom of religion or belief (...) ...

  • European Parliament commits to gender equality and women sexual and reproductive rights

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Anti-choice, Equality, EU Institutions, thematics

    Civil society and human rights organisations welcome the adoption of the Report on Equality between women and men in the EU (2013) authored by MEP Marc Tarabella. Despite numerous falsehoods and emotional manipulation spread by anti-human-rights organisations about the Report, the European Parliament...

  • Equality between women and men in the EU: Let’s move forward!

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Anti-choice, Equality, EU Institutions, thematics

    Joint call from civil sociey oganisations to support the Tarabella report Civil society and human rights organisations call MEPs to support the Report on Equality between women and men in the EU (2013) in the plenary vote on 10 March 2015. This report addresses persistent or increasing deadlocks...

  • Manifesto of the Russian Humanists

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Members, Russia, thematics

    Humanity and the ideas of Humanism are an inseparable part of social consciousness, all institutions of a democratic society, its economy and state system, morals and law, and the system of labor relations and social guarantees. Humanism proclaims the worth of the individual, his unique role in...

  • Attacks in Copenhagen: freedom of expression once again targeted

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the FoE, Terrorism, thematics

    Once again, freedom of expression has been targeted in Europe as a terrorist shot attendees at a seminar on 'Art, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression” and people at a synagogue in Copenhagen. Our thoughts go to the victims and their families and to the Danish people. We strongly condemn this attack...

  • End Blasphemy Laws: New EHF – IHEU Campaign

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Blasphemy, IHEU, thematics

    The European Humanist Federation (EHF) and the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) together with several national partners call to abolish blasphemy laws worldwide. In the European Union, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, France (in Alsace Moselle), Finland, Germany, Greece...

  • Charlie Hebdo attack: Freedom of expression murdered

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the Terrorism, thematics

    In the face of the horror and the hatred, we feel deeply saddened but also a profound anger. We strongly condemn this ferocious attack against freedom of expression and freedom at all and express our deep solidarity to those who continuously and bravely defended our core democratic values with...

  • EHF meets with Latvian Council Presidency

    Posted on the 29/07/22 - under the EU Institutions, thematics

    On 4 February, EHF President Pierre Galand met with Under-Secretary of State for European Affairs Inga Skujina in Riga. This meeting, held in the framework of the Latvian Council Presidency (January- July 2015) was organised under Article 17 of the TFEU which commits EU institution to hold a regular...