EHF declaration on the events in Catalonia

EHF declaration on the events in Catalonia

Posted on the 04/10/17

Echoing its Spanish and Catalan Member Organisations, the European Humanist Federation is concerned by the events taking place in Catalonia and regrets the recent escalation.

The EHF does not take position on the merits of a dispute that concerns the “form of state” provided for by the existing Spanish constitutional order. It however firmly condemns the use of police brutality and excessive violence.

It is certain that such a serious political dispute can only be faced through political dialogue and political negotiations and that Catalonia must in any case continue to belong to the European family and abide by the European and international human rights protection provisions and obligations that the Spanish government is already obliged to scrupulously respect.

As Humanists and fierce defenders of both the Rule of Law and the right of people to self-determination, we call on both Spanish and Catalan leaders to immediately halt this escalation, exclude the use of force, and set up a framework for a negotiated solution involving all stakeholders. Only the use of argumentation, negotiation and compromise may lead to a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

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