World Humanist Day

World Humanist Day

Posted on the 21/06/22

June 21 is World Humanist Day. A day dedicated to raising awareness of humanism as a way of life as well as an opportunity to draw attention to current issues in the world.
From explaining freedom of religion or belief to opposing religious extremism or securing sexual and reproductive health: the EHF’s work is broad but always with a focus on the values of a humanist worldview. 

As EHF president Michael Bauer states in the foreword of our organisation’s Annual Report: “In these times of the pandemic with its many challenges, basic humanist values are more necessary than ever. On the one hand, because humanity and social solidarity are essential in times like these. On the other hand, because rational action with a cool head and on the cutting edge of scientific knowledge is one of the most powerful weapons to overcome this human crisis. We are convinced: the humanistic foundation of values provides an excellent basis for the good and prosperous development of our societies, and also for the realisation of a happy and successful life.”

2020 and 2021 have been two challenging years indeed. The whole world seemed to turn in a new and very unique way. And the emphasis on the benefits of a humanist way of life seemed to become even more crucial. Promoting humanist values such as freedom, equality, solidarity and respect for human dignity lies at the core of the EHF’s projects and activist approaches. Read all about the various projects and important topics our member organisations stood up for all over Europe in the Annual Report 2020/2021 that can be found here on our website

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