The Antithesis of Secularism

The Antithesis of Secularism

Posted on the 29/05/22

Keith Porteous Wood of our member organisation The National Secular Society dedicated his recent research on the topic of Catholic Church treason in 1942: “It is the eightieth anniversary of the promulgation of a leaflet by the French Church circulated to the French in 1942 at the lowest point in the war. It demanded all to bear allegiance to Marshall Petain, the puppet of Hitler and the Nazis. Jews were already being denied their civil rights and were being persecuted. The leaflet is the very antithesis of secularism.” The leaflet includes a brief and objective introduction as well as a page of the original and the document itself. There are two versions of the leaflet, one in English and one in French. Its text has been converted to modern typeface for an easier read. You can read the leaflet here.

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