2020 Science Calendar in Spain: an initiative driven by Europa Laica

2020 Science Calendar in Spain: an initiative driven by Europa Laica

Posted on the 09/01/20

First in Romania, then in Scotland, now in Spain. Across Europe, members of the European Humanist Federation replicate the yearly Science Calendar project originally developed by our member organisation Romanian Secular-Humanist Association (ASUR).

The project of a Science Calendar was originated as a response to religious calendars that hang in many households. In the words of Monica Belitoiu, Chief Excecutive of ASUR, it was meant to be “a starting point for curious minds to learn more about these people and processes that have had so much impact on our lives”. You can re-read the interview we did with her some time ago here.


Month of July, Science Calendar

This year, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Leon have launched a 2020 Science Calendar that includes one anniversary of scientific nature every day of the year. Led by an original idea of EHF Member Europa Laica, the initiative includes the birthdays of well-known researchers, scientific developments and other scientific events. The calendar is the result of joint work by the Institute for Mountain Stock Farming of CSIC, the University of Leon, and a wide group of education professionals and volunteers.

“We made an effort to feature people and findings of the present with the aim of bringing scientific culture to the younger population”, explained Pablo Gutiérrez Toral, project coordinator and member of Europa Laica. “In addition, we have paid special attention to the use of non-sexist language and to ensuring the visibility of women scientists and technologists, in order to provide students with references that promote scientific and technical vocations among girls and teenagers”, he added.

The calendar is targeted to primary and secondary education schools and is accompanied by a teaching guide including activities that can be adapted to different age ranges and school subjects.

You can download the calendar and the teaching guides here.

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