How to strenghten humanism in Eastern Europe? Young humanists meet in Bucharest for 3 days workshops

How to strenghten humanism in Eastern Europe? Young humanists meet in Bucharest for 3 days workshops

Posted on the 29/04/15

More than 60 young humanists gathered in Bucharest from 24 to 26 April on the invitation of the Romanian Humanist Association to discuss the challenges faced by Eastern, Baltic, Caucasus and Southeastern countries regarding humanism and secularism.

In most of these countries, the influence of churches on politics and society is still very pregnant and it is often hard for people to come out as non-believers. Co-organised by the International Humanist and Ethical Youth Organisation and the Romanian Humanist Association, the workshops aimed at sharing experiences and coming out with ideas on how to strenghten humanism and secularism in the region. The European Humanist Federation sponsored this lively and interactive event and contributed to the discussion with a panel on “humanism and lobbying. Other workshops were held on leadership, accounting, social media and communication.







More than workshops, this event laid the groundwork for regular exchanges and meetings between young humanists of Eastern Europe. We warmly thank the Romanian Humanist Association and especially Cristina Iacob for setting up this inspiring event!

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