Humanist Society Scotland replicates Romanian Science Calendar

Humanist Society Scotland replicates Romanian Science Calendar

Posted on the 05/11/18

Some will remember that a few months back, we reported about the Science Calendar, a wonderful achievement of our Romanian members. This story amazed our Scottish members so much that they decided to replicate project.

The original story

Back then, we talked to Monica Belițoiu, Chief Executive of our member organisation Asociatia Secular-Umanista din România (ASUR). She explained that what the calendar does is that it mentions an important scientific milestone achieved or a personality born on that day. She reported that after 7 years of hard work, the calendar had spread in many homes and schoolsand that it was entirely financed through crowdfunding.

Concerning future developments, Monica outlined that one idea for instance was to agree with a Romanian bookstore chain that they give the calendar as a complimentary gift to those of their customers who buy a book dedicated to a scientific topic. She also mentioned the idea about launching an Android app that would provide the user with a notification about the entry of the day, propose to learn more on the topic and allow browsing within the calendar.

Another avenue for further development was the creation of the translation and adaptation of the ca

lendar to other countries. There actually already was an English version that had been translated by Romanian expats who had wanted to show the calendar outside of Romania. Contacts had also been taken with Slovak and Hungarian humanists who worked on their own versions.

A yearly English version

After having received spotlight in the EHF network, the Humanist Society Scotland (HSS) took up the project and, with the help of ASUR, it replicated it in English. As its Romanian predecessor, the “Daily Discovery Calendar” will be updated every year.

The first version is now available for purchase until 21 November in the webshop of HSS at the price of £12. As mentioned on the website of the HSS, for every calendar purchased, HSS also donates another to a school in Scotland.

Find out more on the HSS website.


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