EHF General Assembly 2020

EHF General Assembly 2020

Posted on the 17/10/20

After being postponed earlier in the year, and moving fully online, the EHF General Assembly finally took place November 7, 2020. 

With the fully going online of the GA, came new challenges. To ensure that the GA would run as smoothly as possible, the event was split up into two parts.

The correspondence GA took place from the 26th of October to the 4th of November, during which the participants received their ballots and had time to vote. 

The second part was the Zoom GA, which took place on the 7th of November. The meeting was led by president Michael Bauer, and while running into some problems, ran as smoothly as possible. The Zoom GA covered the election for the Board of Directors, the results of which can be found here, and the accepting of Motion 4a, which can be found below. 

This GA was like no other before, and the EHF is incredibly happy with all the members that participated. We thank everyone who helped create this GA. 

Below you will find the documents that were part of the GA, both correspondence GA and Zoom GA. 


Agenda GA 2020-mb

EHF Reykjavik GA minutes

Annual Report 2019-2020_InteractivePDF

Motion 4a Future EHF 0510

Amendments to the bylaws

European Humanist Federation Standing Orders

Memo on changes to the EHF bylaws

Auditor Report

03-03-2020_State revenue-Expenditure

03-03-2020_Balance Sheet

Auditor appointment



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