New Board of Directors

New Board of Directors

Posted on the 08/11/20

The EHF is pleased to announce their new Board of Directors, who were elected at the last General Assembly, which took place on 7 November 2020.


The Board chose amongst themselves the positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary General, and Deputy Secretary General.


The Board will consist of the following members:


Michael Bauer (Humanistische Vereinigung, Germany)- President

Lone Ree Milkaer (Humanistisk Samfund Denmark)- Vice-President

Patrik Lindenfors (Swedish Humanist Association)- Vice-President

Jacqueline Herremans (Centre d’Action Laïque Belgium)- Treasurer

Terese Svenke (Human-Etisk Forbund, Norway)- Secretary General

Monica Belitoiu (Asociatia Secular-Umanista Din Romania)- Deputy Secretary General

Ineke de Vries (Humanistisch Verbond, Netherlands)

Peter Handlovsky (Spolocnost Prometheus, Slovakia)

Katja Labidi (Humanistischer Verband Deustschlands)

Pablo Toral (Europa Laica, Spain)

Freddy Mortier (, Belgium)

Kaja Bryx (Polish Rationalists Organisation) 


We are confident that this new Board will take the EHF on exciting and informative new avenues, and will continue advocating for the rights of non-believers in Europe and around the world.

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