Andalusia: the EHF supports Europa Laica’s campaign to withdraw religious symbols from state schools
Omnipresent religious (Catholic) symbols are a common feature in the public, state-funded schools in Andalusia. The European Humanist Federation contributes to the campaign led by our member association Europa Laica demanding the withdrawal of religious symbols from public educational institutions. The EHF sent a letter to regional education authorities requesting to respect secularist principles.
Europa Laica has launched its campaign to support Héctor Sánchez, a pupil at the secondary education institute Dos Torres in Córdoba. They seek to obtain the withdrawal of religious symbols from all state-funded schools in Andalusia.
The European Humanist Federation joins its forces to the effort led by Europa Laica. State institutions, funded by all citizens, should remain neutral and not display religious symbols. This is even more necessary in the case of schools, where underage pupils should not be subject to religious indoctrination. The European Humanist Federation stresses that State authorities have to respect the fundamental right to freedom of conscience.
More on Europa Laica’s campaign at: