Cold temperatures reflect politics at EU-border

Cold temperatures reflect politics at EU-border

Posted on the 12/11/21

Human rights are not optional. Or at least should not be. But if they depend on a European solution, human rights seem to be put on pause, negotiable, as Europe is watching how thousands of migrants are out in the cold, with hardly any supplies, in Belarus on the polish EU border.

After trying to get access to the people in need for many days, refugee aid workers were finally allowed to get to them and expressed great concern about the existing circumstances. As temperatures plummet, around 2000 people reside in tents outside in the cold. The facts are that people have actually already frozen to death, three on the Polish side after crossing the border. It remains unclear wow many victims died due to cold in Belarus. As the United Nations and the Organization for Migration try to help and be present to support the people in need as well as urge for them to get a roof and shelter, political concerns seem to leave Europe paralysed. As precious time passes, many lives of women, children and men are in danger. Human rights are not optional. Or at least should not be. But this humanitarian crisis taking place at the border of the EU, seems to prove the opposite. 


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