The EHF releases its annual report

The EHF releases its annual report

Posted on the 11/05/16

The EHF’s annual report is out!

Learn about all the activities undertook by the EHF this year: from promoting secularism and humanism Europe-wide to campaigning for free speech, defending women’s rights as well as sexual and reproductive health and rights, providing humanist services and working for a better Europe.

However, sadly, the last year has also been the one of terrible attacks on Europe’s very values and way of life, of tremendous challenges for the continent and of rising populism thriving on these challenges.

Pierre Galand, EHF President, said:

European institutions have proven unable to oppose a strong common voice to Member States’ national interests. Instead of seeking a collective European answer to these crises, many Member States have either built walls at their borders, sought to obtain exemptions from the treaties, ignored concerns expressed over their growing authoritarianism or concluded shameful deals at odds with international and European human rights commitments.

It is for this reason that the EHF is more determined than ever to further promote humanist values of freedom, equality and solidarity and to foster humanist actions throughout Europe: debating and educating to broaden minds, campaigning to denounce injustice and to defend people’s rights, standing by their side for the most important moments of their lives and showing solidarity with the most vulnerable ones.

A big innovation this year is that we have decided to give the floor to our amazing Member Organizations so that they report their exciting but challenging activities in their respective countries. So if you are interested for instance in how integration and empowerment of unemployed youngsters is fostered through volunteering in Spain, how humanist ceremonies have reached Malta and demand for them has risen significantly in Iceland, how a game developed in the Netherlands helps learning that in some countries you can lose you freedom sooner than in others or how many of our members mobilized to help refugees, don’t wait and download our report.

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