EHF statement on the firing of Budapest Major’s office employee Gáspár Békés

EHF statement on the firing of Budapest Major’s office employee Gáspár Békés

Posted on the 10/02/21

With strong concern and condemnation the EHF has been made aware of the firing of Budapest Major’s office employee Gáspár Békés. Mister Békés was fired for expressing his believes as a non-believer, a move that has been welcomed by several Christian parties in Hungary.
The right to freedom of expression, specifically in the workplace, is one the EHF has advocated before. The rejection of the recommendation on reasonable accommodation by the Council of Europe was a victory in this, and the firing of Békés has made it very clear why this recommendation was a problem in the first place. When the rights of believers are strengthened it often comes at a cost of the rights of non-believers.
The EHF calls upon the Budapest Major’s office and the Hungarian government to immediately reinstate Gáspár Békés, and the European Union to publicly condemn this act. The rights of non-believers are under threat around the world, and it is within the European Union that we must act strongly against these actions, we cannot allow these rights to be taken away by a member state. 

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