EHF signs Civil Society Statement on Future Of Europe with 176 other organisations

EHF signs Civil Society Statement on Future Of Europe with 176 other organisations

Posted on the 12/09/16

Today, the EHF has joined 176 other civil society organisations in signing a common statement on the Future of Europe ahead of EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s State of the Union Address to be held at the European Parliament on Wednesday 14 September. The Statement is also addressed towards the EU’s Heads of States and Governements who will meet in a special summit on Friday in Bratislava to discuss the Future of post-Brexit Europe.

Civil Society Organisations represent citizens and with this unprecedented coalition of 177 diverse organisations, people of Europe want to signal to EU and Member State leaders that Europe cannot be built without citizens.

Furthermore, looking at the combination of challenges faced by the continent and the growing distrust of citizens in an EU where common solutions are still too difficult to achieve, this Civil Society Statement aims at calling on the Eu’s leadership (both institutiojns and member states) that business as usual will not suffice: a qualitative change towards an inclusive, open, just, sustainable society that works for people of all ages, social backgrounds and nations has to be operated.

Statement by 177 European and national CSOs and Trade Unions


12 September, 2016

A new Europe for people,
planet and prosperity for all

Europe is at a crossroads, and the future of European cooperation and the benefits it brings are at stake. This is about the future of our society and how we want to be viewed by the wider world. The future of our planet and the kind of Europe our children will grow up in. The current crisis highlights the urgent need to reflect on fundamental questions: how do we ensure that the European project reclaims its promise of peace, democracy and solidarity? How can Europe work for its people?

Too many people across Europe are dissatisfied and disillusioned with the European Union and feel remote from its institutions and policies. But there are groups of committed politicians, trade unions, community groups and non-governmental organisations across Europe who are ready to take action and work for a renewed Europe. Together, we can shape a Europe that is inclusive, open, just, sustainable, and that works for people of all ages, social backgrounds and nations.

Where do we go from here to build the Europe we want and need?

To read more, please click here.

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