Statement on Ukraine from Member Organisation BFGD

Statement on Ukraine from Member Organisation BFGD

Posted on the 08/03/22

The board of the BFGD is appalled by the criminal war, contrary to international law, of Russia in the Ukraine. We empathise with the people who are threatened in their own country with death and persecution.

For the BFGD, the association of freereligious communities of Germany, human dignity, humaneness, respect of human rights and tolerance of others are indispensable basic values. It avows itself to the peaceful living together of the peoples: it discourages all war and sees in human life a unique inviolable value.

We demand of the president of Russia, Putin, to stop immediately all acts of war and to withdraw all Russian armed forces into their home garrisons. This war is not justified by anything, it breaches blatantly the international law and can only be named a criminal act.  We demand its immediate stop.

Together with our members we will take part in all kinds of actions and demonstrations against war and terror und support the help to accommodate and care for the refugees and displaced persons-

For the board

Siegward Dittmann


Good places to donate to are: 

SOS-Kinderdorf:                  IBAN:   DE02 7002 0500 7840 4637 21

Ärzte ohne Grenzen:           IBAN:  DE72 3702 0500 0009 7097 00

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz:     IBAN:  DE63 3702 0500 0005 0233 07

Jeweils Vermerk: Ukraine


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