Humanistische Vereinigung Prepares for a Flow of Refugees that is Soon to Come

Humanistische Vereinigung Prepares for a Flow of Refugees that is Soon to Come

Posted on the 22/03/22

Member organization Humanistische Vereinigung, which has its headquarters in Nürnberg Germany, has put in place all the necessary actions to prepare for the refugees which will soon arrive at their doorsteps. 

Based in the federal state of Bavaria, in the South of Germany, Humanistische Vereinigung has not yet seen the refugee flow that has entered Berlin in the past weeks. But that does not mean that the organization has sat still. Humanistische Vereinigung has prepared four of their student flats, each with seven rooms and an ability to house up to forty refugees. The flats are currently sitting empty, and are therefore a perfect place for housing people that need it. 

Speaking with Humanistische Vereinigung president Michael Bauer, he also mentioned the work done in preparing the organization’s kindergartens and secondhand clothing stores. Clothing and childcare are important for the people fleeing, as it aids in getting back to a normal life as soon as possible. But especially for children, it is important to be helped with the many traumatic events they have gone through these past couple of weeks. 

The Humanistische Vereinigung is ready for the refugees coming their way, and with their readiness shows the Humanist belief of helping those around us. The EHF is happy to see so many of our member organizations work hard for the incoming refugees from Ukraine, and will continue supporting and calling attention to those who do.

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