Reject the nomination of Aleksander Stępkowski as a preferred candidate for the European Court of Human Rights

Reject the nomination of Aleksander Stępkowski as a preferred candidate for the European Court of Human Rights

Posted on the 08/04/21

The EHF strongly condemns the Polish nomination of Aleksander Stępkowski as a preferred candidate for the European Court of Human Rights. 

Stępkowski is a lawyer and the founder of Ordo Iuris, an extremist Catholic organisation, which has worked on fighting against the rights of women and the LGBTQ community in Poland. 

The protection of Human Rights in Europe is a vital taks of the European Union, and we cannot allow this task to be corrupted by the inclusion of a person who has actively worked against the equal treatment and freedom of all European citizens. 

To fight against this issue and for more information you can click here to find a petition created by the Polish Women’s Strike. 


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