4 weeks to go until European Humanist Youth Days 2016

4 weeks to go until European Humanist Youth Days 2016

Posted on the 01/07/16

Get ready for the European Humanist Youth Days 2016! A mix of interesting lectures, debates with 100+ fellow young Europeans and of course partying and a lot of fun!

From July 29 to 31, the European Humanist Youth Days will take place in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Don’t miss it!

The first edition of the European Humanist Youth Days was held in 2013 in Brussels. Young Humanists from over 15 countries joined each other in a weekend full of inspiring lectures, interesting activities and a lot of fun. This successful event encouraged a group of young humanists from the Netherlands to organise another edition this year. The European Humanist Youth Days will take place in Utrecht, The Netherlands from July 29 to 31 and will be centred around the theme “Moved By Values”.

The urge to discuss humanistic, philosophical and ethical topics seems to be present, now more than ever. With this in mind, young humanists should be given more opportunities to unite and make themselves heard. The European Humanist Youth Days allows young humanists to meet other like-minded individuals and organisations.

Besides meeting fellow young humanists, the event will feature lectures, workshops and panel discussions featuring various topics given by prominent figures.

For more information and to sign up for the event, go to www.ehyd2016.eu and visit their Facebook page.

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