Support an initiative of an EHF Member Organization to promote the principle of secularism

Support an initiative of an EHF Member Organization to promote the principle of secularism

Posted on the 21/10/19

This week, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Centre d’Action Laïque (CAL), our Belgian EHF member organization, launched a call to all defenders of fundamental rights to promote secularism as a universal principle guaranteeing freedoms and peaceful coexistence of philosophical opinions and religious convictions.

This text, the Appeal of Liège, calls upon public authorities of all continents to assert their commitment to secularism and to endeavour to enshrine it in domestic constitutions and international treaties.

English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish and Dutch versions of the Appeal of Liège can be read and signed on the following webpage:

The CAL hopes to gather as many signatures as possible in support of this important call. As Giulio Ercolessi (EHF President), Andrew Copson (Humanists International President), and already many others don’t hesitate to sign it and to let know on your social medias that you did.

The EHF welcomes this initiative of its member organisation and adresses its wishes of success to the CAL on its 50th anniversary.

As stated in its Memorandum, “the European  Humanist  Federation (EHF) promotes  the  principle  of  secularism.  This  principle  is  needed more than ever in order to maintain cohesion in a diverse Europe that must remain united. Secularism is first  and  foremost  a  principle  of  State  organization  which  guarantees  fundamental  rights  to  everyone, without discrimination. It is based on the separation of State and churches, in order to ensure freedom of thought and expression for everyone and to allow everyone to be equal before the law. This principle is also and above  all a humanist posture:  open, based on the emancipation of the  individual, respect for people, the free encounter of ideas and the pursuit of greater equality through education.”

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