The EHF releases its Humanist Vision for Europe

The EHF releases its Humanist Vision for Europe

Posted on the 25/03/17

The European Union is 60 years old!

For the first time in history, EU citizens have been safeguarded for six decades from the tendency of European states to make war to each other. Never has a common project allowed peoples of Europe to learn more about each other and exchange so much, both economically and culturally. Over the years, Europe has grown as a space of freedom and solidarity where people are allowed to pursue happiness.

Yet, more has to be done. The effects of an economic recession hitting hard EU citizens and the fallouts of conflicts in Europe’s vicinity resulting in unprecedented migratory pressure have put the EU in a very delicate situation where it is expected to address important continent-wide challenges without being given the necessary tools and political support to do so. This sadly fuels simplistic and populist discourses thriving on the most dangerous emotions human nature can offer – the very emotions that led to so many wars and suffering. With the result that many EU citizens now question the very reason for its existence.

Our vision for Europe proposes a confident, optimistic and inclusive perspective for Europe to tackle the many challenges it is currently facing, to safeguard its model based on the welfare state and public services and to project an ambitious political vision for its future. It is based on core humanist values: the principles of freedom, equality and solidarity, the respect for human dignity, the necessity to equip everyone for full participation in society, the recourse to rational argumentation, dialogue and facts-based debate in the resolution of disagreements and our duty to prepare a sustainable future for the next generations.

The documents tackles the following main priorities:

  • Secularism as the best framework for harmonious coexistence of all life stances
  • No concessions on the Rule of Law and Human Rights
  • Education as the backbone of critical thinking and vital for democracy
  • Science as our best chance to address today’s and tomorrow’s challenges
  • Solidarity and humanity at the core of a long-term vision on asylum and migration
  • The EU urgently needs a common political vision

Read our full vision in English or French.

#FutureOfEurope #EU60

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