Our new logo and new website are now live!

Our new logo and new website are now live!

Posted on the 17/10/17

26 years ago, our organisation was founded out of the need to unite humanist, secular, laïque, rationalist, skeptical, etc. voices in Europe.

Since then, the humanist family has grown a lot and unites today more than 60 member organisations from Portugal to Finland, from Iceland to Cyprus, united in their vision of a society where freedom, choice and autonomy are put in the middle and where all life stances, religious or not, can co-exist in a harmonious way.

Over the last 3 decades, we, our member organisations and our partners have joined forces to promote a progressive vision of society driven by reason, freedom and solidarity, where human rigths can be expressed to their fullest and where increasingly questioned dogmatic views lose their grip on public policies.

Together, we have achieved much: many European countries have repealed their blasphemy laws, more and more countries grant equality to same sex couples when it comes to marriage, freedom of expression has improved, many women’s right to safe and legal abortion was secured, an increasing amount of countries debate the contours of the right to die in dignity, etc.

Nevertheless, in all of these areas, more has to be done. Seeing that they are losing the legal battle, ultra-conservative religious lobbies increasingly promote conscientious objection as a means to prevent citizens from exercising in practice rights they have been awarded by law.

Today, the EHF is refreshing its look and feel with a new logo and a new website that are the result of several-months of introspection and questioning. The new visual identity will be accompanied by a new communication strategy so that we can better relay our wider community’s messages at European level and, at the same time, better inform the public about key developments in areas relevant to humanism.


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