Norwegian Humanist Association supports #BlackLivesMatter

Norwegian Humanist Association supports #BlackLivesMatter

Posted on the 10/06/20

The Norwegian Humanist Association, a member of the Euroepan Humanist Federation, supports #BlackLivesMatter.

The murder of George Floyd in Minnesota, USA, has brought renewed attention to the unequal treatment of ethnic minorities in the United States. To countries everywhere, this serves as a reminder of the importance of equality and human rights for all.

No state or society can truly say that there is no systemic racism or groups of citizens that are treated worse than others. Unequal treatment differs from case to case, country to country, and over time. However, it particularly affects people belonging to a minority. Their human rights are thus violated.

Although systematic racism occurs less frequently in Norway than in the USA today, there is no doubt that we still have some way to go. There are daily reports in the media of everyday racism, the comment sections in social media are full of accusations of inferiority, and traits are attributed to citizens based on the color of their skin.

Our humanist lifestance promotes equality for all. The commitment to fight racism, oppression and forces that undermine democracy, form part of our humanist values. That is why the Norwegian Humanist Association is working towards an inclusive, diverse and future-oriented society.

The Norwegian Humanist Association demands that the Norwegian authorities express their strong concerns to the American authorities about the human rights situation of ethnic minorities in the United States.

Furthermore, the Norwegian Humanist Association demands that the Norwegian authorities investigate, follow up and correct systematic racism, unequal treatment, and discrimination against minority groups in Norway.

The Norwegian Humanist Association supports the #BlackLivesMatter movement in the USA and their fight for human rights.”

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