New European Humanist Federation leadership

New European Humanist Federation leadership

Posted on the 28/05/20

On 23 May 2020, the Board of Directors of the European Humanist Federation (EHF) elected as its President Michael Bauer, board member of the Humanist Association (Humanistische Vereinigung) and EHF Vice President since 2015. Michael Bauer is replacing Giulio Ercolessi, who resigned his post.

The Board elected as Vice President Lone Ree Milkaer, President of the Danish Humanist Association (Humanistisk Samfund) and EHF Board member since 2017. Kaja Bryx, President of the Polish Rationalist Association (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Racjonalistów), continues as EHF Vice President, a post to which she was elected in 2017.

The Board also elected as Secretary General Panayote Dimitras, Spokesperson of the Humanist Union of Greece (Ένωση Ουμανιστών Ελλάδας) and EHF Board member since 2014, and as Deputy Secretary General Raluca Laslo, member of the board of the Romanian Secular-Humanist Association (Asociajtia Secular-Umanista din Romania) and EHF Board member since 2017.

Michael Bauer thanked previous president Giulio Ercolessi for his many years of commitment to the EHF leadership: “Giulio knew how to represent European humanism eloquently and with intellectual depth to the institutions of the EU and the Council of Europe and on many other occasions.”

The EHF has developed into an important civil society voice in the past few years for many issues that are being negotiated in the various European bodies. The EHF will continue to build on this successful work in favor of human and civil law concerns and for the interests of non-religious citizens of Europe in order to effectively bring humanistic positions and demands into the debates and decision-making processes.

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