Annual Conferences



The EHF General Assembly of 2020 was supposed to take place in Amsterdam, but because of the uncertainty regarding the coronavirus the EHF has decided to split the assembly up but still have it fully online.

Part of it will be a correspondence GA from the 26th of October to the 4th of November, and a Zoom GA on the 7th of November. Registration is necessary before both events to make sure that all the information is send to the right participants.

Below you will find several documents that are necessary for the assembly, please take your time and look through them before the assembly takes place.

More information will be send before the assembly, and please do not forget to register to participate and get more information. We hope to see you all online.

Agenda GA 2020-mb

EHF Reykjavik GA minutes

Annual Report 2019-2020_InteractivePDF

Motion 4a Future EHF 0510

Amendments to the bylaws

European Humanist Association Standing Orders

Financial accounts, auditor report, 2020 budget

Auditor appointment

Candidates CV and motivation