Observatory on intolerance and discrimination Against Christians in Europe

Observatory on intolerance and discrimination Against Christians in Europe


An organisation recording instances of ‘attacks’ on Christians in Europe (often mistaking respect of the law -especially on equality policies- with true cases of discrimination).


It reports attacks against buildings hosting Christian organisations and churches as “discriminatory” against Christians. Any breach of an absolute freedom to practice one’s religion (for example having to send children to school even if some of the teachings go against the parent’s religious beliefs, not registering the wedding of a same-sex couple- where legal- for religious reasons, interdiction of religion-based homophobic speeches) are considered discriminatory. Most cases of real discriminations are undocumented. Primarily active within Europe, focusses on issues of conscientious objection, freedom of speech, parental rights. Creates yearly reports on Christianphobia and is a member of FRA.

Persons involved:

Gudrun Kugler
Head of the Observatory for Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, Kairos Consulting (Founder). Professor at the German International Theological Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family in Vienna . Youth academy of the Dr Karl-Kummer Institute (founder). Writer for kathTreff.org, a site giving advices to couples from a catholic point of view. Has represented her Observatory at numerous OSCE meetings. Past candidate for the Austrian People’s Party.

Links with other organisations: Has created the OIDAC European Network – an umbrella organisation of NGOs collecting data and analysis on discrimination against Christians (member list not released).

Key statement: “Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians is the phrase we use to describe the denial of equal rights of Christians and the social marginalisation of Christians.” (1)

Legal existence: Registered Austrian non-profit organisation: 713452505.

Financing: Funded entirely by private donations. Not published.*

EU Accreditation: No.

Location: Vienna.

Contact: Möllwaldplatz 5, A-1040 Vienna – [email protected]


*Under Austrian law, organisations with revenue under 70,000 Euro per annum need not publically publish their financial records:,

(1) http://www.intoleranceagainstchristians.eu/about/about-us.html
