Federation Pro Europa Christiana

Federation Pro Europa Christiana


Federation Pro Europa Christiana is a TFP (Tradition, Family, Property) umbrella organisation and an EU lobby group that aims at promoting “the message of the Gospel and its morals”.


The Federation organises seminars, produces policy papers, lobbies EU institutions by delivering petitions to the European Parliament created by member organisations and takes part in meetings regarding ‘Christian heritage’. It has a key focus on youth, and seeks to influence the moral and social development of Europe with traditional ‘Christian values’ (1) and therefore condemns same-sex unions, divorce, relationships outside of marriage and abortion right.

Persons involved:

Caio Xavier de Silveira: President.

He is the founder of the Brazilian TFP society and is listed as a faculty member of the Leadership Institute. Has an EU accreditation.

Paul Herzog von Oldenburg: Director of Bureau in Brussels (in charge of EU relations).

He is a member of the TFP network. Stated: —“Europe is built on a Christian order and that order is worth fighting for. Otherwise we will be devoured by a dictatorship (the pro-choice movement) which puts the dictatorships of the 20th century into the shade.” (2)

Links with other organisations: TFP network.

Key statement: “The family is dying, the family is dead (…). Europe is at the forefront of this steady march towards the abyss.” (3)

Legal existence: Non-profit organisation. SIRET: 519094981 00015. SIREN: 519 094 981. APE: 9499Z.

Financing: 90% comes from donations, the rest from member contributions. Revenue: 1.871.237,79 Euro (June 2013). (4)

EU Accreditation: Yes – 65395896737-91.

Location: Brussels.

Contact: Rue Taciturne, 49,  Brussels 1000 – [email protected]