FAFCE (Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe)

FAFCE (Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe)


FAFCE is a very conservative lobby group and umbrella organisation representing 14 European Catholic organisations at the CoE and the EU.


FAFCE advocates conservative views on family and sexuality at European level. It strongly opposes SRHR and the rights of LGBTI people (considering being homosexuals a “lifestyle” and granting them equal rights: “a categorization of fundamental rights according to one’s sexual inclinations.”) (1).

Persons involved:

Antoine Renard: President

President of CNAFC (Association of Catholic Families) and candidate for the political party Force Vie for the 2014 European elections. He supported La Manif Pour Tous.
Anna Maria Hildingsson: Secretary-General.

Links with other organisations: FAFCE has the same location/address as COMECE. FAFCE cosigned a letter protesting the “Directive implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation” (COM(2008)(426) with likeminded organisations such as European Dignity Watch, Hazte Oir or La Manif Pour Tous. Some of its member organisations (the Association of Catholic Families Vladimir Ghika in Romania and the Polish Federation of Life Protection Movements) signed a letter of support for the Russian government concerning the anti-gay propaganda law (2).

Key statement: (On the One of Us campaign) “The EU is conducting a form of neo-colonialism by exporting abortion through development aid, even to countries where abortion is illegal.” (3)

Legal existence: Non-profit NGO. With participatroy status at the Council of Europe. SIRET Number: 527 810 238 00016 SIREN Number: 527 810 238.

Financing: 60% from membership contributions, 40% from donations. Revenue: 109,981 Euro (2013). (4)

EU Accreditation: Yes – 509209111889-44

Location: Brussels.

Contact: 19 Square de Meeus, Brussels 1050 – [email protected]