Deutsche Vereinigung für eine christliche Kultur (DVCK)
DVCK is a political advocacy organisation that condemns abortion or same-sex marriage and runs publications under the name “Deutschland braucht Mariens Hilfe” (Germany needs Maria’s help).
DVCK is a German christian organisation that runs two significant conservative campaigns; Kinder in Gefahr (focussed on the morality of children and against marriage and adoption for same-sex couples) and SOS Leben (anti-abortion action that also produces biaised research on bioethical issues). They also take initiatives against alleged blasphemies.
Persons involved:
Benno Hofschulte: Chairman.
President of TFP Austria (Austrian branch of Brazilian reactionary organisation Tradition, Family and Property) and chairman of SOS Leben. Stated: “Many children are denied the right to birth. Before they see the light of the world they are killed.” (1)
Matthias von Gersdorf: Co-ordinator of the action Kinder in Gefahr.
Chairman of TFP Germany. Writes for the right-wing newspapers ‘Junge Freiheit’ and ‘Freie Welt’. Participant and Supporter of Marsch für das Leben. Spoke at the 2013 World Congress of Families in Sydney. Listed as faculty member of the Leadership Institute.
He also stated (about the Synod on Families) “It is clear that reformist catholics will do all that they can to demolish the catholic concept of marriage and sexual morals.” (2)
Links with other organisations: TFP network. Heavily active with the March for Life.
Key statement: “Stop the terror and the hate against the rights of life!” (3)
Legal existence: Recognised as a political organisation: Frankfurt am Main VR 8164. Lost its ‘organisation of general interest’ status in 1995 – because of mass letter campaigns which aimed to influence politicians over abortion law. (4)
Financing: Public donations. Revenue: Not published.*
EU Accreditation: No.
Location: Frankfurt am Main.
Contact: Emil-von-Behring-Str. 43, Frankfurt am Main 60439 – – [email protected]
* German civil society associations with revenue under 700,00 Euro do not have to publish their financial records.