

CitizenGo is an online platform of signatures gathering for Christian campaigns.


Influential online platform generating public donations and support for online petition campaigns aimed at furthering the conservative Christian agenda. In January 2014, they initiated the petition falsely accusing MEP Ulrike Lunacek of co-sponsoring “an amendment seeking to legitimize paedophilia ” that gathered over 200000 signatures.

Persons involved:

Ignacio Arsauga: President and founder

He also founded Hazte Oir and is CEO of Grazz media (a social media consulting firm).
He stated: “Whoever does not accept the dogmas of the gay lobby, who refuses to be called ‘marriage’ to the union of two gay, that is automatically condemned as homophobic, and immediately lose their most basic rights.” (1)
Brian Brown: Member of Board of Trustees
He is the founder of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), an American organisation dedicated to opposing same-sex marriage. NOM also opposes civil union legislation and adoption by same-sex couples and has fought against a law that permits transgender students to use bathrooms that correspond to their gender identity (2).
Luca Volonte: Member of Board of Trustees
Former Italian Member of Parliament and EPP President at the COE. Currently honorary President EPP/PACE at the CoE. D.G. of Novae Terrae Foundation. Dignitatis Humanae Chairman. Stated: “the world is busy protecting puppy seals and whales, fighting against experimentation on dogs – but more than willing to kill its children.” (3)
Walter Hintz: Member of Board of Trustees
Blanca Escobar: 
Member of Board of Trustees

Links with other organisations: Close links with Hazte Oir (sharing the same founder – Ignacio Arsuaga and the same CEO – Alvaro Zueleta). The two organisations are located at the same address.

Key statement: They demand “A right to religious freedom and to honor God both privately and publically, individually and collectively, according to one’s own conscience.” (4)

Legal existence: Non-profit online campaign group. CitizenGO Foundation CIF (tax) number G-86736998 and registered in the Register of Foundations with the Number 1582.

Financing: Claims to be financed by small donations with the (unclear) support of Hazte Oir. (5)

EU Accreditation: No.

Location: Madrid.

Contact: Paseo de la Habana 200, bajo izquierda, Madrid 28036 – [email protected]