Bundesverband Lebensrecht

Bundesverband Lebensrecht


The Bundesverband Lebensrecht (Federal Union for the right to life) is an umbrella network for German antichoice Christian political parties, civil society groups and foundations.

It seeks to influence SRHR debate through engagement with political and church leaders, and also through the media and organises the March for Life every year in Berlin. They oppose abortion, the morning-after pill (considered as a way to endorse unresponsible sexual behavior) (1) and advocate for a Christian family.

Persons involved:

Martin Lohmann: Chairman.

As a CDU member he founded the Arbeitskreises Engagierter Katholiken in der CDU (working group of engaged catholics in the CDU) before leaving the party in 2014. He stated that abortion could bring back to Germany the principle of some lives being worthy and others not (2).

Executive board: Odila Carbanje, Dr. Claudia Kaminski, Manfred Libner (chair of the foundation “Ja zum Leben”), Rolf Trauernicht.

Links with other organisations: Organises the Marsch für das Leben (German March for Life)

Key statement: Martin Lohmann opposed the morning after pill being given to two rape victims because “I am for life, and against death. That extends also to the morning after pill.” (3)

Legal existence: Yes. Registered German non-profit organisation: Berlin VR 21841

Financing: Direct donations & donations of member organisations. Revenue: Not published.*

EU Accreditation: No.

Location: Berlin.

Contact: Bundesverband Lebensrecht e.V., Fehrbelliner Straße 99, 10119 Berlin – [email protected]