Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The website is a website of the European Humanist Federation AISBL (EHF) located at Campus de la Plaine ULB, CP 237, 1050 Brussels.

The EHF commits to have all collection and processing of your personal data stemming from the site comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), adopted on 14 April 2016 (Regulation No. 2016/769) and entering into force on 25 May 2018.

For any information or for exercising your rights on the processing of personal data managed by the EHF, you can contact us address your request via:

  • [email protected]
  • A signed letter with copy of ID Card /passport to the following address:

European Humanist Federation
Campus de la Plaine ULB, CP 237
1050 Brussels

Processing of personal data of visitors and users

Forms and information requests

The EHF processes personal data that you send us either via forms or when you request information solely if and when this data is necessary to address the request you made.

Your personal data is transmitted only to the staff in charge of the processing of requests. This data may be disclosed to persons outside the EHF when this is necessary for the processing of your request. In no case, is your data processed for commercial purposes.

Online payments

Online payments made for donations are based on certain services offered by third party sites, which also respect the GDPR. Right now, these are:

Newsletter Subscriptions

When you subscribe to our electronic newsletter, your personal data is stored, on the one hand, in the contact database of the EHF and, on the other hand, on MailChimp, a third-party service for managing lists and sending e-mailings. By subscribing to our mailing list, you agree that the information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their privacy policy and terms of use.

This personal data is kept and used only for sending you our newsletter. In no case are they processed for commercial purposes.


A “cookie” is a file of limited size, generally consisting of letters and numbers, sent by internet servers to the cookie file of the browser located on the hard disk of your computer. Cookies cannot run programs or place viruses on your computer. They are allocated to you individually. Cookies on this website can only be read by this site.

Cookies for measuring audience

To measure the audience of the site, we use Google Analytics. We use Google Analytics only for statistical purposes. We do not use advertising cookies. The personal data collected (a unique cookie identifier) are kept by Google Analytics for a period of 26 months.

Third party cookies for interactive functionalities

This website relies on certain services offered by third-party sites. These are:

  • share buttons (Twitter and Facebook)
  • videos posted on the site (YouTube)

These features use third-party cookies directly deposited by these services.

How to de-activate cookies